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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. I found an answer for you. "The income from Penalty Charge Notices pays the cost of the enforcement. This includes the administration staff involved in collecting the fines, maintenance of signs and lines and other associated costs. Any surplus remaining after deduction of costs has to go towards measures to improve public transport or other highway associated improvements" Same applies for every council.
  2. Maybe. It's pie in the sky. I could write in with my ladder to the moon idea, it's as meaningless and as likely to happen as this idea.
  3. Probably. I was thinking more road initiatives rather than public transport though....Planner will know.
  4. Local rag with column inches to fill trying to be contraversial. Nothing else.
  5. I do like the idea that elected officials in Sheffield (on less than 20 grand a year when I last looked if you don't have special responsibilities) are sat there having parties from money paid for by bus gate fines. I suspect its paying for other transport initiatives, lovey.
  6. Person no longer in position of power has opinion. A nothing story really. Next!
  7. Malcolm Anderson a traditional Ukrainian name, of course.
  8. Yes it is. Red lines are mentioned about two thirds into the document. I have no idea if the entire thing has been binned though, or just the red line bit.
  9. Hand your licence back in if you cant read road signage. Please.
  10. Where is it stated that cyclist hit a car that was either a) parked in a cycle lane, or b) parked too close to a junction (within 10 metres), please? Its an motoring incident between car and bike that happens daily in the UK, move along nothing to see here.
  11. Originated as an RAF saying rather than anything from round these parts https://wordhistories.net/2017/12/03/go-for-a-burton/
  12. Jordan Henderson worth £700k a week 😂
  13. So thats some great reporting from the Star then when it says "The council’s website does not state the amount" 🙄
  14. Well this is clearly rubbish, you just change the route, it's not tricky.
  15. The card I mainly use has the card number actually within the app so can be easily copied and pasted if any website or app hasn't remember it. And aye I know the 3 numbers without looking these days.
  16. Banking numbers? When I pay by phone I just make sure the screen is lit and then I hold it near the machine, never asked to put in any number (or a PIN) so unsure what you mean here. Or do you mean you paid on the app and you know your 16 digit card number off by heart?
  17. Since the start of the year the most it's been was 32p for electric iirc. And that was in January. From Feb onwards I haven't paid any more than 26p a unit and these days it's constantly below 20p. The half hour tariff has crept above cap at peak times, and still does, but unless you can load shift that's not an ideal tariff for most.
  18. I see someone on the Facebook group is threatening the Council with legal action because they blocked him on Twitter 😂😂😂
  19. Ah lovely. It's slightly up tomorrow by a few tenths of a penny but nothing major.
  20. Yes at one point this afternoon they dropped dramatically and this was after a good chunk off yesterday, too. Promising.
  21. If you cant read road signs and markings, you shouldnt be driving. Nothing horrible about it.
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