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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Bump. This is on front of the Star today https://www.thestar.co.uk/business/arundel-gate-new-bus-gate-rakes-in-ps36000-in-a-month-for-sheffield-city-council-4213364 Personally got no issue with this as its an idiot tax on idiot motorists who are too dim to read road signs/markings. I am sure we will all agree....
  2. Nope, seems to be a flat £70. https://www.thestar.co.uk/business/arundel-gate-new-bus-gate-rakes-in-ps36000-in-a-month-for-sheffield-city-council-4213364
  3. It was also discussed in the Sheffield Discussions section of the forum. At length. In the same section this thread should be in.
  4. Oh dear. Blindly driving without reading the signs and the road markings? Tut tut.
  5. I carry the usernames and passwords for all 1,422 of my forum accounts in a small notebook and carry that around with me instead, including which VPN is linked to which address. Yes, yes, I know what you are all thinking, you shouldnt write passwords down!!!
  6. Hideous? No no no everything in the 80s in Sheffield was great, that cant possible be!
  7. Just another forum member on here all day whilst visiting Pompeii, been told its perfectly fine by another forum member. Enjoy Lisbon btw if you are going, fantastic city. Sagres is a better beer than Super Bock.
  8. Maybe. We can tell if its anywhere nice as she will spend the entire time on here, perfectly normal apparently.
  9. If anyone is, apparently its perfectly normal to spend the entire week on here rather than doing things.
  10. Did you spend your entire time whilst there arguing on here about trans people or BBC employees?
  11. Would you go on a day trip to Pompeii and spend it posting on here? Its his fantasy 5 month Florida trip all over again.
  12. Of course he can. Doesnt stop me from thinking its a bit odd. I am sure he will appreciate you sticking up for him.
  13. Erm, Ive been, its only in Italy you know (no need to save up). Very interesting place. I didnt spend all day whilst there posting about child images on a forum. Very odd, its as if he is making it up....
  14. They will know full well who the first complainant named, just like the rest of us know who it seems to be.
  15. Assume the 2nd person is a different age, think the first is 20 and the 2nd slightly older?
  16. The first bit is defo still in at around 3.22 in. I posted the clip anyway from Twitter.
  17. Have they edited it? Plenty of clips on Twitter of it.... Mention of first name: https://twitter.com/robin_edwards/status/1678786955285352448?t=Mj9RTRO4u7029tGFlusYQg&s=19 Mention of gender of victim: https://twitter.com/GChadwick_/status/1678554404352303104?t=-CctbbIPQyZ5TaX1z4LQWA&s=19
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