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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. No idea then. See here for some lovely stories about the car park... https://en.parkopedia.co.uk/parking/carpark/meadowhall_retail_park/s9/sheffield/?arriving=202307111830&leaving=202307112030
  2. It's a car park which is ticketed by a private parking firm, has been for years. No idea why you got lucky there, maybe you were put on an opt-out list.
  3. He has been fully blind for about 5 years. No excuse. Stop throwing up issues that have easy solutions.
  4. He didn't find it difficult once he knew what he was entitled to, it's the initial knowing. You can't spoonfeed the entire population about everything, ever.
  5. Erm, I follow a blind person on Instagram who posts loads of posts. He is fully blind and no, nobody posts on his behalf. Explain THAT ONE!
  6. Woe betide people aren't spoon-fed and work out themselves what they are entitled to. My gran recently died after a long illness and my grandad had to work out for himself what extra he was entitled to both during caring for her and post-death
  7. In some cases it "won't want to", even less sympathy.
  8. It's like having a lovesick puppy follow you around. Cute after a while, but the novelty wears off.
  9. Wonder how many people will now get speculative parking invoices as a result.
  10. Chase me chase me! Got him absolutely rattled. Forum members can go and look at how many times he initiates contact with me, rather than the other way round....
  11. Right so its not a government figure, just a figure plucked out of the air by an independent organisation.
  12. Cressida libeling herself there. Everyone knew it was him, they just weren't posting the full name.
  13. That last paragraph wasn't aimed at you, it was towards one of my stalkers. Do you know where this 19 billion figure has been cited other than in the opening post?
  14. There has been no link posted, who is actually claiming that 19 billion is unclaimed? Oh and it looks like I have rattled someone again. You aren't becoming a Level 1 member unless you put me on ignore.
  15. The amounts involves though scream blackmail of some description though. No sensible person is paying that amount of money for a few picture surely.
  16. Not all elderly people are Luddites, your sweeping generalisation of them is rather insulting.
  17. None of this excuses the fact that the website remains inaccurate, that one is a ridiculously easy fix.
  18. However, paying £3 for 2 hours parking is sufficient enough for any time of day, and will likely be thrown out on this basis imo. Where does the signage specify that from 8.15am you have to re-pay? I bet it doesnt.
  19. You need to register on the Pepipoo forums and ask them there http://forums.pepipoo.com/ You should not have identified yourself as the driver at any point btw, but they can go into more detail with you. As an aside, it still says 7.30am on the website, have you actually spoken to the PALS team? Why on earth have they not changed it yet if they know its wrong? https://www.sheffieldchildrens.nhs.uk/patients-and-parents/parking/ Who did you actually "appeal" to? £3 is more than enough time to park for 2 hours even in the daytime, if it got as far as a judge it would likely be laughed straight out imo. "Debt collectors" is an empty threat at this point, they arent High Court bailiffs, that can only happen after a CCJ unpaid after a period, they have as much right to enter your house and seize your property as the milkman does.
  20. The whole world and his dog knows who it is now, they may as well just come out and say it, its beyond a farce.
  21. I assumed all the forum grumps who hate change and the "coloured people" were all elderly retirees, tbf. Should start an "I Am Scared Of Change" section on here.
  22. Victoria Derbyshire on Newsnight last night referred to the victim as "male" and also inadvertently said the first name of the BBC employee 😁
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