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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Opposite or within 32 feet (roughly 10 meters) of a junction, except in an authorised parking bay . Given the list of "demands" I think its clear as day that the OP doesnt drive and has no concept of how much it would cost to bring them all in. Lets also bring in number 8 then: better enforcement of cyclists using pavements and picking and choosing which road signals apply to them (red lights mainly).....
  2. If you mean Richmond Fisheries, then the opening hours are below. Google Maps is good at keeping them up to date. The one which is "now an undertakers" was Stans, and that isn't even an undertakers anymore (it seems to be a closed down furniture shop now.) The chippy at Manor Top has also been rank when I have used it tbf.
  3. Farage is an elected official? Elected official of what, exactly?
  4. Aye most people refuse to answer it, which only suggests one thing.
  5. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/lifestyle/solicitor-explains-pubs-can-still-29061726 Explains possible reasons why they check.
  6. Christ, thats the first time someone has ever provided that on here without trying to deflect! Wonderful stuff. This thread is still in the wrong section, mind, have asked for it to be moved.
  7. Any decent instructor will be booked up fully for July, August and probably September.
  8. Whats your waste carriers registration number, mate? https://environment.data.gov.uk/public-register/view/search-waste-carriers-brokers
  9. Refusing service based on an obvious disability though, which in the face of it this seems what has actually happened, surely isn't on. Not sure where you go with it, mind.
  10. Pretty sure any shop can refuse to sell anyone anything, this wouldn't be a specific Asda policy. I am not entirely sure what provision the law makes for the, how can I put this, "mentally stunted". If they are 18 they are 18.
  11. I think what she is saying is that every bus should stop at every stop if more than one route uses it. Not sure where "platform" comes into it.
  12. The butchers moved there long after buses stopped going down that way, that's certainly no excuse for them closing.
  13. Look at who you are replying to. He caused this thread with his regular moan that's been explained to him numerous times.
  14. The suggestion would have required the writing off of a whole afternoons play on Court 18 when they are currently running over a day behind, so it was a ridiculous suggestion anyway tbf.
  15. So they just write off the remaining 3 games on that court then at a time they are already running well behind? Including the one he interrupted? How would that work? They can't play around the confetti 😂
  16. Like they would have done that 😂😂😂
  17. The first one seemed to be a load of orange jigsaw pieces. Maybe the powder is being saved for attempt number three.
  18. They have decided to disrupt Wimbledon today. Twice. On the same court. This was the second one...
  19. Is your TV aerial pointing in the general direction of Crosspool?
  20. Aye its perfectly fine for a customer not to do custom with a business based on their beliefs, but not the other way round. Bit hypocritical.
  21. Channels are in groups (or a "mux" (plural "muxes")) on Freeview, think there are 8 of them. Is it only certain channels or all of them? If its HD channels only, which HD channels?
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