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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. An individual may choose which bank to bank with based on a moral position or view. It is no different.
  2. Of course it is. Its no different to you or me deciding to initially bank with Natwest instead of HSBC. Free choice. Works both ways.
  3. How dare you post a link in here that totally contradicts the point Chekhov is trying to make. Very unthoughtful. Is this lie going to be edited?
  4. Hang on...Metro Bank didn't close an account, they just didnt want their business to start with. So it was never opened. Please amend your opening post. Oh hello whats this?
  5. A bank can choose to do business with whoever it likes tbf. In the exact same way an individual/business chooses which bank it wants to do business with. Dont understand the "outrage".
  6. Have you made a formal complaint? Would the general public really want to pay to go and join a staff party of a company they don't work for? I certainly wouldn't, but each to their own.
  7. Why do that when you can use it for political gain?
  8. Letters I have seen usually give people 30 days minimum, unless the accounts have been closed for fraud (which doesnt seem to be the case here). Thirty days is plenty of time to my mind to make alternative banking arrangements.
  9. He is slagging a bank off (rightly or wrongly, I am not getting into a trans debate) why would they want him as a customer? A banking relationship works both ways. Anyway, if he was that horrified at what the bank was doing why did he want an account there anyway, sounds like he wants his cake and to eat it.
  10. Thought there would be a first time for everything.
  11. It works both ways. I can decide to end my relationship with (for example) Natwest, the same way Natwest can decide to end their relationship with me. In the Farage case I wouldnt be at all surprised if he has had some dubious payments land in his account which caused it to be frozen, he is as thick as thieves with the Russians.
  12. People who have large amounts to play with usually get access to much better savings rates as a result. They are currently offering 6.09% on anything above £3m
  13. Why are a bank telling a media organisation how much Farage has in savings? Surely that is a data protection breach?
  14. Aye the whole thing stunk tbh. Dragging a 100 year old man to the Bahamas (or wherever it was) whilst the rest of us were advised not to go on holiday, and I believe this trip meant he didnt get his Covid jab in time before it eventually killed him (he was away as the rollout started).
  15. I honestly hadn't seen that before commenting this morning. So there we are then, problem solved.
  16. Personally I wouldnt sell to anyone outside the UK, but thats only my personal preference. Is he covering the postage?
  17. 95% of the posts on this forum are made by me, using 300 different multiples, mate.
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