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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. My DD is only £10 a month and I top it up with a card payment each month, they seem happy enough with this and I get 1% cashback on the debit card transaction with my Chase card, so a free 90p each month if I pay an extra £90 etc. I would also suggest to anyone who does NOT have a smart meter to submit a reading TODAY, to ensure you are not given an estimated bill for the 30th June/1st July price changeover, you may benefit if they guess it or you may lose out.
  2. Well funny you should say that.... As its a bit windy today's Octopus Tracker (changes daily) electric rate in Yorkshire is 12.83p a unit, and tomorrow its 8.12p a unit. Anyone on the Octopus hourly tariff will be getting PAID to use electric between 5am and 5pm tomorrow. So in answer to your question... The new capped rate (30p or so) is at best more than double the going wholesale rate. As for gas, today and tomorrow's prices on the daily tariff are 4.44p per unit against a capped rate of what, 7.8p?
  3. Was a bit kinky for my tastes. Does he want to bum me? I'm scared!
  4. Probably more likely he has had Russian money enter one of his bank accounts tbf and it's been frozen because of that. Of course I say this with no evidence whatsoever.
  5. 2022 on red button, in full as actually confirmed by the actual host of the game... https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/read-this/gary-lineker-explains-why-qatar-world-cup-opening-ceremony-wasnt-shown-on-bbc-one-after-piers-morgan-hits-out-3925282 As for previous years you will have to take my word for it. My memory is the host in the studio (be it Lineker or whoever did it on ITV) used to, at best, dip into the opening ceremony for a few seconds at a time. Bear in mind the BBC have not always had the opening game and it was moved in 2022 to a time before the BBC even came on air on the main channel. Not sure why this has become a discussion point in this thread?
  6. Will have a look later. The opening ceremony of football tournaments is meaningless tripe, nowhere near the gravitas of the Olympics and not a standalone event, it's 30 mins before the game Whichever broadcaster has the first game cracks on with promoting the upcoming game and tournament rather than showing it on the main channel.
  7. I already told you where they showed it. On the red button. Same as the 2018 World Cup. And the 2014 one. And the 2010 one. And likely the same for any Euros they showed the first game of. Why did nobody get pissy about 2010-2018 being shunted to the red button? Odd, isnt it...
  8. No, they showed it on the Red Button, just like they did for the last few World Cup opening ceremonies as its nowhere near as big a "thing" as the Olympic opening ceremony and nobody really cares about it, its merely 30 minutes of ceremony at the ground where the first fixture is, plus a crap singer.
  9. Would also want to know what banks he is actually going to tbh. If he is going to specialist banks like Coutts they have strict criteria that wont even get him in the door unless they are met (amount of savings etc), same as anyone else. If its the mainstreams (HSBC, Lloyds etc) then the decision to open an account is "computer says yes/no" and wholly based on internal credit scoring (not the fancy number Clearscore make up, that is meaningless), if he has a fraud/CIFAS marker on his file from the original freezing of the accounts in the original article he will struggle to get any kind of bank account tbh.
  10. I'm just throwing it in there. I have no dog in this fight.
  11. No, it's likely he has a nice lovely CIFAS marker on his credit file for some reason. That reason, however, will be nothing to do with his legal political beliefs. This is of course assuming he is actually telling the truth.
  12. I see. In which case Hackey Lad's suggestion is probably your best bet, or maybe divert through the train station to see if they have any left. Ringing Menzies up would likely be a fools errand.
  13. Who wont be at all interested in getting one copy to a customer that isnt via the usual channels, I am afraid. As you say, they are a distributor. Sorry for the negativity. To be positive, the crossword is actually online. Every day - https://metro.co.uk/puzzles/quick-crosswords-online-free-daily-word-puzzle/
  14. Bank accounts in this country arent closed for investigation merely because you are a raging right winger.
  15. A poor example in truth, my bad. Here is a better one: how many people go into a clothes shop and dont buy anything? A fair few I would wager.
  16. It was a friendly suggestion ,no more. People give away far too much personal info online.
  17. It will be bugger all to do with that. Dodgy payments in or out can cause accounts to be frozen for investigation. Farage knows this and is using it for political gain.
  18. I literally posted the article and said he is only on for TWO weeks.
  19. Of unsuitable people? A fair bit. Been on two forums where people have literally begged to be a moderator, they are then made moderator, and they have turned out to be totally unsuitable and have caused carnage (editing posts for no reasons, deleting posts for no reason, banning people for no reason).
  20. "I have been given no explanation or recourse as to why this is happening to me" Is he totally thick? Thats called "tipping off" and the banks arent allowed to do that.
  21. For two weeks only. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/lifestyle/tv/craig-doyle-makes-morning-announcement-27157914 Calm down.
  22. Can I make a polite suggestion to both @francypants and @airscrew - this is a public forum which anyone can read and if you are about to give out info like full names and addresses maybe take it to private messages? Feel free to ignore this and crack on, mind. But just a suggestion.
  23. Aye, was about David Goodwillie. Worth pointing out in case any lawyers are reading though that he has never been found guilty of rape in a criminal court.... https://twitter.com/bfcharri/status/1674113656198447104?t=wal41myvO68_EPGTTSjt8g&s=19 He then deleted it and put this on Instagram instead.... https://twitter.com/beachpikey/status/1674326196635463682?t=dUzPnsKSzMpr5Q93fh5xYg&s=19
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