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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. He must think you are someone else, i can't remember you ever using a smiley.
  2. Aye he just needs to flounce off now and never post again.
  3. "former Cole Brothers building" Christ, talk about clinging onto nostalgia for dear life 🙄🙄🙄
  4. How did he think the TV pictures got on his screen via a firestick? Telepathy? Osmosis?
  5. In my experience, anyone who usually volunteers to be one is usually not the right person anyway.
  6. RollingJ does a better job at reporting the spammers than I do tbf.
  7. Its been like this for decades. Even in 1949 (as an example) where there were 17 teams in one division, there were only 26 fixtures for each team where you would likely expect 32. 1989 was 22 fixtures each in a 18 team division. Its nothing new, so Jim hardie's initial reply to you is a bit disingenuous tbh. Yes they now play less 4 day fixtures because of the other formats but its usually been a case where you never play each team twice - there was a brief period where there was a 9/9 division split and they played 16 times. The current Division 2 has 8 teams and they all play each other twice, its just Division 1 where they dont.
  8. Using actual quotes from social media, mate. But but but it's only me who thinks the songs are slow! Or something.
  9. Do them on the hob for crying out loud man, have some class!
  10. I meant my comment clearly hit a nerve with you, even the bold letters came out 🤣🤣
  11. Must be no money in pharmacies anymore. Lloyds have sold a load of branches recently.
  12. Thought it was quite funny tbf. The entire forum seems to be full of elderly people scared of change.
  13. Including the people who cut the grass in the parks? Crikey. Makes you think.
  14. They did. Going off the comments on the FB post, they asked the Council beforehand for an exemption and were told no. And on this basis, knowing they would have had to pay fifty notes, they still decided to rattle into town in a (presumably) ancient, unexempt horse box, rather than a) not bothering, or b) deciding to go somewhere else to fundraise instead (I dont believe for a second they had the £50 sprung on them the day before). Like I said, they could have gone to Crystal Peaks and got a decent wedge in donations no doubt.
  15. Suspect legislation doesnt even exist for such an absurd scenario tbh 😁 But why? You want to take photos at a swimming pool where its not allowed, why would me going in to a shop doing the same be any different?
  16. Exactly, its absurd. I should just turn up, within the opening hours, like anyone else would who may not actually end up buying anything.
  17. But but but they weren't slowing the songs down! https://www.ladbible.com/entertainment/glastonbury-arctic-monkeys-fluorescent-adolescent-mardy-bum-slow-534129-20230623?source=facebookstatic&fbclid=IwAR1AstjX9IB4PsgaheumCmIQ-A2BGxRq9aFs7AidqJHVt-n9qPW1uA2hU9A
  18. Mentioning a half term that doesn't exist and a half term you were 4 weeks out on, you may as well not have bothered 😊
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