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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. They should have gone somewhere not in the zone then. Crystal Peaks, maybe. Still would have got plenty of donations. Can't moan about it when they knew the charge was going to be levied beforehand. Charities dont seem to be exempt.
  2. Well I have some news for you. Someone on here runs a shop where you have to pay if you aren't buying anything. Baffling hey?
  3. Do you charge people if they come in, but dont buy anything (for whatever reason)? Apparently this is a perfectly normal thing for a shop to do so wondered if it extended to pubs/bars too.
  4. I agree. So when someone comes in to your shop and then doesnt end up buying anything, do you invoice them? Imagine if Asda started doing that. I will just call in unannounced then if its an issue.
  5. Do you charge everyone for coming into your shop? A rather odd way to operate.
  6. I dont need accompanied to walk around a shop, mate. Just like with any other shop. I am not an invalid.
  7. That a screenshot from Telegram, mate. 🤣 More FB screenshots later, maybe, as I know you love them.
  8. Also I doubt any area, ever, has seen 80% of its residents move from driving to buses overnight.
  9. I suppose if you run out of ideas in a Telegram group you can start to talk about chemtrails instead. 😂
  10. Little thing called health and safety mate. You can't have 30k people all over hills and ridges watching a concert. Come on, this is common sense.
  11. Seems fair. So if no laws are being broken here, then they stay.
  12. He added the half term bit himself for some reason https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/parks-sport-recreation/rivelin-valley-water-play
  13. Never mind him, he is stalking me on the forum at the moment. Hasnt taken his inclusion into my Fan Club very well....
  14. Its hardly a Sheffield problem though. No doubt if Leeds Forum, Nottingham Forum, Leicester Forum existed they would all be having the same moans.
  15. Yup. Was just lobbing an example involving ignorant English people into the mix. Simply dont understand how you could move to Spain and not learn anything about the language and/or culture, its baffling.
  16. I have a friend whose father lives somewhere in Spain, just outside of Alicante. Its a small village which is almost exclusively English, none of the locals have made any effort whatsoever to learn the language, they all go in the same bar etc. Its no different to what people on this thread have moaned about today.
  17. Why on earth would you do that?Its a retail shop is it not? Ive just been into Asda, did the staff charge me for going in?
  18. Just out of interest, do you think the same about the significant English communities that are in Spain, who dont mix with the locals? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
  19. "Will my toaster work if I don't plug it in?"
  20. Well it was a much smaller event when it first started.....
  21. Thats fine, the world moves on though with no music and new acts, Glastonbury isnt going to fill its stage with 50s and 60s crooners. Mainly because they are mostly dead, mind.
  22. Thats a fine opinion to have, just dont expect Glastonbury to cater to your tastes.
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