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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Thats fine, but the post title was edited, you clearly didnt see the original where the entire thing was in caps.
  2. It's considered shouting on Internet fora.
  3. No no no no there is absolutely nowhere to park in the city centre, people on here have said so.
  4. Do you have to use capital letters? Its a bit agressive.
  5. Let's be honest, this thread is just one person venting that they are not doing things that HE alone wants.
  6. Because a small subset of people aren't as tight as a ducks arse. I would eat there every day if I could but I would probably be dead.
  7. I see Tommeh completely ballsed up posting a picture in tribute for D Day yesterday on Twitter, the silly racist sausage.
  8. Yup. Its my favourite restaurant. My original point still stands though, go and look at the Cambridge St thread and the chat about the pizza from there.
  9. But the problem remains that people in Sheffield are as tight as a ducks arse. Imagine some people on this forum going to Domo for a meal ffs. "Ow bleedin much!"
  10. The council made it rain yesterday 2 minutes after I put the washing out. Grrrr! Bloody council!
  11. People on here: "they should try new things" Also people on here: "waaah waah waaah I can't believe they cancelled Scarefest, people enjoyed that!"
  12. No no no no nothing happens in the city centre and there is nowhere to park!
  13. It's not relevant to this thread at all, you and others were labouring under the misaprehension that people from Pitsmoor were going to be forced to go to Parson Cross to go to the doctors, when this simply isn't true. Maybe start a thread about the transport links between the two areas, be much more relevant in there.
  14. That's nice. Irrelevant to this thread, mind.
  15. That's fine, merely stating you share the same opinion as many others who seem to think one man should bail them out because he once played for them.
  16. It seems to be the general theme on social media though. If the club are beholden to one person they may as well just fold now.
  17. How do we know he hasn't already helped. Also, why should it be down to him alone?
  18. Surely this is only actually an issue in Sheffield Central
  19. It's been established that people were misreading the article ffs, nobody is being made to get on a bus three miles.
  20. I still remember the untold crying on here when the original Freebee bus got withdrawn.
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