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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Sounds like some of you should stick to YouTube videos of 50s and 60s crooners, and let the world move on around you 😂
  2. I mean, did you actually watch it at all? I have it on now and he just spent about a minute just introducing Brandon Flowers to the stage and explained who he was. If you havent heard of him, thats your problem 🤣
  3. Nikki was questioning the "coming week" bit of it, Spring bank holiday was 4 weeks ago, and not this "coming week".
  4. Don't think the Council closed John Lewis tbf.
  5. Let's see what campaigning has gone on in the Sheffield Anti CAZ Telegram group today.... Oh dear...
  6. I watched Rick Astley earlier, from yesterday. Magnificent stuff. Having the time of his life he was.
  7. There is a hell of a lot of paranoia on this forum. It can't be healthy. Maybe Anna can tell us how her pension is paid to her.
  8. It's here, be in a few other places also https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/people/sheffield-tree-felling-scandal-read-councils-open-letter-as-they-make-full-public-apology-and-issue-statement-over-inquiry-4189992
  9. Yes how dare the authorities try and locate a missing person or try and solve crime. The audacity!
  10. Can I ask Chekhov a question. Clearly he thinks it's fine to take photos of whatever you please (children) on private land... Would he mind if I spent 20 minutes in his shop taking photos of everything? It's exactly the same surely so I can't see the issue.
  11. I wish. Thousands of mentions on Twitter last night. I don't have enough T shirts to deal with that many fans.
  12. I didn't. I've seen clips on Twitter last night when plenty were laying into them. He sounds like Vic Reeves doing songs in the club style and the three songs in the clips I saw the songs are slower than the original. Sorry if this offends you. Clearly everyone who agrees with me about the Vic Reeves thing are just jealous haters 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  13. No no no mate. It's all Klaus Schwab and the New World Order, in conjuction with the Rothschilds and the Jewish Lizards.
  14. They were atrocious weren't they. All the songs slowed down and Alex Turner has finally vanished up his own anus.
  15. You are moaning as if it was the whole park shut for the day. It wasn't. It was one tiny section of it away from the cafe and car park. Think you are overreacting.
  16. Behave! In the club style... https://twitter.com/portalmonkeysbr/status/1672362752109690881?t=_LaONfnkDv3bKTqkBp_USQ&s=19
  17. I see that Vic Reeves is trending on Twitter because of this Arctic Monkeys set at Glastonbury currently. Club singer anyone?
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