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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Probably depends how its made https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-65976309 If its like the example there its likely to be hand crafted, which wouldnt be cheap.
  2. Erm, you are on the one who has me on ignore mate, I can read all of your guff perfectly fine, nobody needs to tell me owt 🤣
  3. Well you could. Simply visit a private car park instead. My 85 year old grandad manages with a smart phone, so its never too late. And lets be honest, the people who refuse to use one are slowly going to die out. Sounds harsh but here we are. TBF I think the issue here is that the machines in a few areas that took card payments are having to go because they use the 3G mobile network which is being turned off, so those councils are having to replace the machines, and are using the opportunity to put new machines in with no cash option. I dont recall any on street machine in Sheffield being able to take a card so it shouldnt be an issue here (yet).
  4. Seems to be your problem too now, wading in after 9 pages.
  5. It's international waters, they can likely do as they please. The sub wasn't certified by any nation or international body.
  6. Suppose it depends when it happened. But probably more likely it imploded days ago rather than only today or yesterday.
  7. Excellent news. Buying gas guzzling vehicles needs to have consequences.
  8. What is this "next" that belongs to the photo, and why is it relevant to this thread?
  9. He knows that, why do you think he started this thread? A load of people in the football section got their inboxes taken off them because they couldn't behave.
  10. What on earth is Cuttsie on about? The PM system is still there, and functioning. Did she remove it from everyone who regularly posts in the football section, no matter how abrasive they are? Cuttsie clearly got caught in the football section crossfire so just get her to reinstate your PM inbox, job done.
  11. You have to be a "p head" to even step foot in a pub? Interesting.
  12. The Daily Mail subset of readers would hate people like him. However I suspect he is laying it on a bit thick, what likely happened is 138 people said not very nice things in the comments under that Daily Mail article, stuff like "I hope he falls into the chipping machine", and he is counting that as a "death threat". I highly doubt 138 people have sent him poison pen letters.
  13. We can't all be as intelligent as you, mate. Have you worked out how to type a capital letter yet?
  14. It's not on the Sheffield Star homepage and their website is a pain to navigate. So no.
  15. I see. Well next time just go in the Bankers Draft then. Or any other pub. Or the ones in the place you were in town that late for in the first place, unless you are going to tell us you were just aimlessly wandering around at that time of night after the shops had shut.
  16. Didn't have you down as an evening McDonald's afficionado. Can you start using capital letters please?
  17. So you didn't even go and use the "normal" ones (which I believe are still downstairs on a totally different floor?) and therefore drew attention to yourself? *facepalm*
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