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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. In theory aye but looking at the thing who knows. I agree with Daddy though, would rather go quickly than it being drawn out over days.
  2. To be fair the porthole could have caved in hours ago, which would have resulted in an almost instantaneous death with the water pressure. Well, goodnight!
  3. Who is going to persue it, for starters. The only winners would be the solicitors and lawyers. Kerching.
  4. There is nothing showing on the planning portal as stated. I only searched for the Meadowhall postcode though. I will offer an opinion though... If I want to go to a beach I will go to a real beach, and not some artificial effort whacked in a car park or whatever.
  5. 40 hours of oxygen left and it's bolted shut by 17 bolts. Good luck.
  6. The difference is one is on private land and the other one isn't. Are there any further questions?
  7. Anyone who isn't happy going at 70 on a smart motorway can sod off and use the A roads. That's my position.
  8. 50mph 😂😂😂😂😂 If people don't like it they can "sod off" and use A roads.
  9. Not even sure what regulations even exist for things like this, especially in international waters. Maybe someone else can shed some light.
  10. Only 2 things on the Planning Portal since 2019 under the Meadowhall postcode, both are from 2022, and neither relate to this. Therefore, Meadowhall dont need any "permission" and can do as they please (within the existing laws and regulations)
  11. On commercial airliners they are actually orange, and not box shaped... Anyway.... @Janus if you watch the first few seconds of the video I posted in post 8 you will hear that this sub is "unapproved and not certified by any regulatory body", so expecting it to have a "black box" is probably a stretch.
  12. I am pretty sure he has advocated the motorway speed limit be reduced, not attempting to wade through pages and pages to try and find it though.
  13. CNN: "As there is no tether between the Titan and the support surface ship, the only way to communicate or detect from the surface is through the sea " That answers that then I suppose. Absolutely bonkers. If you cant tether it, it shouldnt be done. There is a 1.4GW electricity cable link between the UK and NORWAY, pretty sure a 3 mile tether between a ship and a submersible isnt beyond human endeavour.
  14. You might lose a leg though. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/i-lost-leg-rollercoaster-accident-23676313
  15. I was always under the impression that subs like this were tethered to a ship/boat. Seen nothing to suggest this was the case here.
  16. Surely a private enterprise such as Meadowhall can do whatever it likes on its own land within the scope of the law/planning regulations anyway, why would permission have to be sought?
  17. Here is another video of it. Looks like the door opens out rather than in, mind.
  18. Now now, its "only" $250k, which is about £195k. I for one am glad that the BBC live ticker just before 9am told us all "What happened to the Titanic?", like people wouldnt have a bloody clue.
  19. Just had a notification. Andrew Tate charged with: - rape - human trafficking - forming organised crime group to sexually exploit women
  20. Anyone fancy a walk alongside the ECML this afternoon?
  21. All very sad if they dont get found, but look at the inside of it! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-65958697 All looks very basic, plus a cheap games controller used to steer the thing! Its all very odd given how much people are paying to go in it, was expecting something a bit more sophisticated.
  22. I mean, there are people in a few months time who will have to make decisions about whether to eat or heat, or how they find the extra 4% in interest once their mortgage fixed rate finishes. Just to add some actual real life "rubbish" things to the thread, like.
  23. https://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/transport-roads/roads-traffic/roadworks/roadworks.aspx Thanks.
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