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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Those bloody foreigners selling their blooming foreign muck in our markets eh, disgusting carry-on. Send the buggers back!
  2. How many motorists don't have any Internet access at all, be that fixed line or mobile data? Post the stats please.
  3. Sadly she is also responsible for one of the worst ever programmes I have ever sat through. If you dare, try and find her Xmas Special from 2009. A programme so bad that someone at the BBC moved it from Xmas Day to late on Xmas Eve without telling her 😂 https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2010/sep/27/victoria-wood-bbc-comedy-decca-aitkenhead To be fair it was an hour of unmitigated unfunny crap. As a one off I was prepared to give it a chance.
  4. Probably snares them all in his Lambo.
  5. Didn't fill much in my water butt though, it did however sound magnificent.
  6. Apology accepted. Maybe give this line of "banter" up now before it gets nasty?
  7. My father died 5 years ago from aggressive bowel cancer, mate. Anything to add?
  8. Also remember Covid doesn't exist either. Wake up sheeple.
  9. Patty love, the old market was falling to bits and not for for purpose. This has been done to death. Nostalgia only gets you so far.
  10. Here you go mate - yes I don't see the logic. However it will never affect me so I don't really care. Hope this is acceptable. Why are you surprised people believe this? Look at the twaddle being pumped out on the Sheffield CAZ Telegram group. The scary thing is, people actually believe this will happen...
  11. I'm not bothered, it affects me not one jot. Memememememe.
  12. I already told you what I thought.... Here you go again ^^^
  13. Glad to see I am still under your skin. Meanwhile, someone on the FB group can't attend the rally today, which is giving Tim an excuse to get the tin foil out 😂 Maybe Mike can tell us if Tim is speaking for him., he did use the word "we"...
  14. I am conscious all the other fan club members may not be as well to do as myself, it's only fair.
  15. Yes the packages including meals do seem rather reasonable.
  16. Are you attending the fan club meet up next week? Just waiting on you and Mike to RSVP.
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