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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Its well under that now, hopefully yesterday just a blip.
  2. Any luck? Think in the end it was only up 3% 🤣
  3. October has international breaks. November has international breaks January has two FA Cup rounds and the winter break. December has one more Saturday than Oct and Nov have and is also at Xmas, which is a traditional time to play more football in this country....
  4. You do realise the "pathetic Tory government" won't have made this decision, don't you? Not that I agree with it.
  5. Unless he is moving to an all male hostel which he never leaves, how do the Probation Service suggest he never comes into contact with women or children? All sounds very unworkable.
  6. Wouldnt worry, he will be back in soon enough... "Pitchfork was recalled to prison shortly after his release [in 2021], after he was understood to have approached young women on multiple occasions while out on walks from the bail hostel where he was living."
  7. I am sure Ecconoob could mention loads of things that were crap in that time period. From hearing stories of how my mother was brought up in a single income household in the 50s and 60s with four other siblings, it didnt sound nice whatsoever. Bye bye? Where you off to?
  8. So are we saying some things back then were rubbish, and some things now are rubbish? In which case we absolutely agree with each other!
  9. Yes and no. FA Cup 3rd round is the first weekend of Jan, 4th round is the final weekend in Jan, and then each team gets a guaranteed weekend off in the middle (split 10 teams one weekend and 10 teams the next). Of course 4th round weekend could be a week off depending on what happened in the 3rd round. No internationals are played in Jan.
  10. Ha! Pyramid Carpets down at Woodseats have done all the flooring in my house (hard floors and carpets) and have done a very good job, they even have a fancy bit of software that works out how much carpet to use for stairs. Give them a ring @sonisoni
  11. Aye I am proper jealous I didnt live through rationing, smallpox and outside toilets. Seething, in fact.
  12. Was wondering why Jan looked a bit sparse, even accounting for the two FA Cup rounds, then remembered the winter break thing is back this year (when some clubs wont actually have a rest and will probably go the the Gulf to play friendlies)
  13. 27% now. At this rate it could double in one day. The Dutch have announced they are closing the Groningen gas field which is the biggest gas field in Europe.
  14. It's now up 21% today. All this will affect the price cap for October. It's also affecting my daily pricing something rotten, was paying 14p for electric on Saturday. It's going to be 21p tomorrow and likely 23 or 24 this coming Saturday 😂
  15. @Paddersprices soaring the last few days, it needs to cool down quickly as that is apparently one of the reasons it is soaring, which seems odd.
  16. Fair enough. I doubt it's a bus lane camera down there though. Would be an odd place to put it. Also a "flash" would suggest a picture was taken rather than a video clip.
  17. There was the tragic case not too long ago where a young lady died from a sandwich from Pret A Manger because the allergen info wasn't correct No major supermarket is going to take the chance so that is why you see seemingly stupid warnings on packaging. It may even be the law, not sure.
  18. The only camera I am aware of down there is a traffic light one. Haven't been down there in 3 weeks though. Pretty sure outside of London all bus lane infringements have to be monitored by a human. @Planner1 will know for sure.
  19. I once watched a whole programme with it on and never realised until the last 5 mins 😂
  20. I dont disagree but I have seen someone moan that they wish this was a film so they could go and see it. Last time I looked a cinema ticket cost more than £7.99. Why not just pay the £7.99, watch the whole series in one go in the comfort of your home, and watch a few other things before the subscription runs out? Some people are just odd. As for multiple services, there is nothing stopping people subbing to one at a time for a month, binging on content, and then moving on to another. Rinse and repeat.
  21. Have had a office fan running at home the last few days and looking at my Octopus output data its using less than 0.04kwH per half hour, so a very cost effective way of keeping cool. I imagine ceiling fans wont be using much more than that, essentially its the same concept (a motor turning a fan)
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