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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. https://www.tenancyagreementservice.co.uk/how-to-evict-a-tenant-for-not-paying-the-rent "This is a notice from the landlord to the tenant that states that they are in arrears and have a certain amount of time to pay up or face eviction. This notice can be sent if the tenant is more than two months behind on rent." The above wording suggests if they pay up they stay, aye. If Jeffrey Shaw is floating around he may know for sure.
  2. How on earth would anyone on here know. Make a complaint to the firm responsible if you like.
  3. If the tenant isnt in arrears (or not broken any other term of the lease) you cant use a Section 8.
  4. The link in the opening post would have told you, like....
  5. Must have been a right p**** who reported it.
  6. No idea, obviously Supertram affected... https://twitter.com/SCSupertram/status/1666052492830863362?cxt=HHwWhMCzxcj6gJ8uAAAA Edit - ah here you go. https://twitter.com/syptweet/status/1666062853953003520?t=S7us90dxw1_zA5_BIrDNnA&s=19 Further details... https://twitter.com/hharrisonjourno/status/1666049778893877248?t=yEiseoWdpgQcWO9ooJPXCQ&s=19
  7. I hadnt given you a second of thought tbh, but nice for you to reply to my innocuous post with an insult on your return. Think you can go in the Fan Club tbh.
  8. Not an electric one, I dont think the infrastructure is good enough yet.
  9. I won't be in a rush to stop tbh, think I will get bored 😊
  10. Yes, it's that simple. I drive a 72 plate car, I couldn't give a toss if the drivers of rust buckets start to be charged.
  11. Think one often reason I have seen is for a hospital appointment, and I believe showing the letter gets you on for free. Or at least it did. And of course some elderly may still work, but in those cases they can pay the going rate.
  12. It's this twee thing people from Sheffield seem to do by calling things by their old names needlessly for years. Same with John Lewis/Cole Brothers.
  13. OK, so why does that mean it's "demise has been ratified"?
  14. Only news today I can find is this, so bemused as to how the opening post is worded https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/transport/doncaster-sheffield-airport-protection-order-for-key-buildings-comes-into-force-after-imminent-threat-of-demolition-by-owners-peel-due-to-health-and-safety-risk-4169798
  15. Has something happened in the news today to provoke this thread? A link would be helpful.
  16. For all the moaning I will bet every single one of you will be watching it again in March/April (?) when the next series starts. "But there is nothing else on!" etc etc....
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