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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Its as if the old farts on this forum are talking out of their rears, isnt it?
  2. Placeholder for the tinfoil brigade to reply to the above with the word "yet".
  3. Which is 16, and thats where the discussion in this day and age ends. Pop off to Uganda if you dont like it.
  4. In 1917, women didnt have the vote. It's about as relevant to this thread as the above is.
  5. He also went to the School Of Hard Knocks and graduated from the University Of Life.
  6. The cost to whom? Are you paying the carer to take you in their car? The HMRC mileage rate is probably a good place to start and then add a bit on for their time, nobody on here knows how formal your arrangement is with this carer.
  7. Well no, because it's a mayoral authority. No idea what the South Yorkshire equivilant gets upto.
  8. To be fair that was the Applause Store, who have now cancelled thousands after realising their error. 10k tickets handed out for 3k seats yesterday 😂
  9. Aye loads of jobs knocking around local radio at the moment... 😚
  10. This has nothing to do with local councils as such @cressida, it's a salary paid by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority https://www.greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk/the-mayor/
  11. Indeed, if you choose to drive a rust bucket be prepared to pay, it's that simple.
  12. These are all repeats at the moment too. No new episodes until the autumn.
  13. Sally Lindsay is atrocious. All these on currently are repeats from last year anyway.
  14. Russell & Bromley 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  15. Which apps are you using? The problem you have is that banks are continually changing apps because of security. You may not need a 64 bit phone now but that may change. No harm in future proofing now.
  16. Some banking apps now no longer work on phones that only have a 32 bit processor so in terms of future proofing you would need a 64 bit one. It will be in the spec of the phone when you buy it, check before you hand cash over
  17. Ideally you need one with a 64 bit processor rather than a 32. Also we need an idea of how much you are prepared to spend (as above)
  18. This is poorly worded, tins/cans/glass can also go in the brown bin.
  19. Good Afternoon darling 😘😘 have you used your discount card yet?
  20. Uh oh. Be careful saying stuff like this, you will make Sheridan cry.
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