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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. GB News at 9pm may be of interest to some then.... https://twitter.com/danwootton/status/1663221308614754311?t=U3etC2a-E8z9BqU2ShvwYQ&s=19
  2. So you don't think a similar arrangement exists for when buses and trains are in a network blackspot? Silly LovePotion.
  3. How does "Irene" think that card payments at bloody 37k feet in the sky are authorised? Silly "Irene".
  4. Makes no odds to me tbf. I was able to watch all 10 PL games yesterday if I so chose despite only 4 being on UK telly. Ways to watch everything if you know where to look.
  5. No. Hasn't been for the best part of two decades, maybe longer.
  6. Imagine being so poor, pious and/or technically inept not to be able to watch the game at home.
  7. Can I just pay a tenner and not have the buffet?
  8. Good morning lovey 😘😘 has your free t-shirt arrived in the post yet?
  9. I am sure it was. Didn't doubt that. Be better at a weekend that's all. Even for the majority of those attending.
  10. Taking the mickey out of our good friend Love Potion, obviously.
  11. Buses in Sheffield are run by the Rothschilds and big pharma. Wake up sheeple.
  12. Hard to disagree. Looking to blame everyone except the kids.
  13. Ah found it at the bottom of here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/market-data 2% down today thus far. Looks like that is pence per therm though, rather than dollars.
  14. Just out of interest where are you getting your gas trading figures from?
  15. Suspect he is the type of bloke who wouldnt want the fuss of all of that anyway.
  16. Likely targeted, if thats of any comfort to anyone. Doubt it was random.
  17. Electric price for tomorrow just come through, 14.71p. Christ almighty 🤣 For people on the Octopus half hour price tarriff they are going to be PAID to use electric between 2 and 3 pm, and likely 1-2pm & 3-4pm too. Bonkers.
  18. The answer is in post 244 but unless you have a smart meter its a non starter.
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