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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Just wait until he finds out how expensive Australia and New Zealand are....
  2. I mean, this is bonkers. Its now the year 2023. People DEMAND cashless payments whether you like it or not. They also DEMAND charging facilities whether you like it or not.
  3. Have you seen his latest clanger? Absolutely unbelievable.
  4. His whole conjecture that "he has to go to NZ and Australia in their summer and our winter" is absolute cobblers too, how cold does he think Australia and NZ are in July and August, its hardly Baltic conditions for crying out loud. If he wanted he could go in April, during the 2 weeks holiday, meaning he only has to pull his spawn out of school for ONE week rather than two. Or, just go in July/August.
  5. And from that same page... are you now admitting you didnt read the Summary Box before applying? Oh dear.
  6. Oh lordy. Did you not realise that withdrawing CASH from a CREDIT CARD is about the worst thing you can do with a card? Absolutely unbelievable, inclined to think you are now making all this up. As for the fee, its quite clearly stated in the Summary Box Document here (top of page 2 of 2) which I accessed from the actual page on the Royal Credit Card here. Its a pretty standard thing for every credit card. Here is is, in big red letters for you: "Cash Fee (cash withdrawals and Gambling Transactions) 3% handling fee, minimum £3"
  7. Why bring it up then? Are you OK? Hopefully next time that happens it will be on a weekend and then it wont matter.
  8. Ike absolutely ruined her early adult years, imagine what she could have done had she never met him. Its only in the 1980s that she achieved proper global fame.
  9. I dont think you have read the thread properly, I personally had no issue with it. But a nice try.
  10. Its because the government were subsidising the previous caps, in reality the cap is down over a third but nobody was paying it due to Government intervention. If you want to get your rate down a little bit more you should move over to monthly billing. Ignore the scare stories. Some providers offer a scheme whereby you read the meter(s) monthly, you send those in (or they read themselves, depends what kind of meter you have), and then they bill you based on MONTHLY ACTUAL usage and take it out your account 14 days later. Octopus offer this and their customer service is very good, and we both get a free 50 quid credit if you use my referral code. Bills are emailed and in your online account (you are here on the forum so cant imagine thats an issue). Sod British Gas off and move over to a decent provider, let me know if you want the code/link.
  11. Cap has been announced at £2074 and it seems that the gas price is doing most of the heavy lifting of the decrease. Those those still choosing to pay by quarterly pay on receipt of bill (why?), the cap is £2211. @Padders Gas likely to be around 7.5p (sc of 29p) and electric 30p (sc of 53p) for those on monthly payments, the quarterly people can add about 7% to those, regional variations table hasnt been released yet.
  12. Bit odd this has been dragged up 2 years since the event. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-65699929
  13. Well yes if they started having weekly concerts there between May and July I probably wouldn't be too happy.
  14. Well the only idea would be to swell the police force to the point where there is literally one on every street 24/7, and then you would need to create more courts and more prisons and more wraparound services associated with all of that. None of which will happen as it costs a shed load. It's called being realistic.
  15. My answer is unobtainable without spending money the country doesn't have, so it's pointless going into detail.
  16. You mean countries/places where they chop peoples hands off (or similar, or worse)? Is that what we really want?
  17. Well taking part of your logic, surely the simple solution would be to lock the children up, aye? The age of criminal responsibility in this country is 10. Are you adverse to this method? Your first suggestion seemed to be to project the sentence onto the parents with no mention of the children? In any case you can't lock up X because Y did something, a civilised society doesn't work like that.
  18. It had slipped my mind until 9.35pm Monday night when the missus came downstairs moaning about it. Helped someone on here a few weeks back try and find a hotel room for their son for it but the date had slipped my mind and I hadnt thought about it since. It certainly wasnt on any matrix sign I passed the last few weeks. Why would people be expected to know about it if they arent Def Leppard fans? Even just telling residents in the immediate radius wouldnt have helped, I am over a mile away from Bramall Lane and could hear it as clear as day. All I am saying is surely these kind of events are better held at weekends, I am not saying they should be banned. Imagine if they held the 10k run on a Monday morning instead of a Sunday. Do the indoor arenas during the week and then the outdoor stadiums in residential areas at weekends, I accept tour schedules may not make this possible though.
  19. Bonfire Night is the same night every year mate. So is New Years Eve. If someone can link me to a list of concerts at Bramall Lane so I can make contingency plans for the future, I would be greatful.
  20. Not really, no. If you are referring to road closures for marathons/half marathons/10k runs those are in daylight on a Sunday morning/early afternoon and likely dont stop a significant number of people from getting sleep. This wasnt a sporting event btw. You also make an assumption people should have known about it, I dont recall seeing anything on the matrix signs the last few weeks.
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