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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. I agree about breakfast radio but 15 songs in 4 hours?! Just a brief look at other stations. Gary Davies did 33 in 2.5 hours this morning on R2. Greg James 39 in 3.5 hours on R1. Having a look at other BBC Local stations this morning though and the most I can see in the 4 hours time slot was 20 songs, so they must presume people listening to local radio love waffle.
  2. Looks like a varied mix of everything tbh, going off what was played on Toby Foster on Friday. Dont see the issue there. However what I would say is...only 15 songs played in FOUR hours? Thats not right surely. Paluette Edwards managed 31 in the same time period (on the same day) and Pressman managed a similar ratio of 23 in 3 hours.
  3. People who go abroad who were actually sensible and took proper responsibility for their own finances would have a card that charged no foreign transaction fees. Just putting it out there. I have two. How many have you got? Oh....
  4. Potentially silly question.... What is the "Pollen Market"?
  5. Pretty sure it's signed coming down Granville Road. In other hilarious news, only FIVE people turned up to their protest this afternoon 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. Yes will be down to about 28p and 8p for units as the Government were subsidising anyway. Nothing earth shattering.
  7. Hiding would suggest there is no way to find out. You could have rang them and asked, and as per your point 2 it's even listed under the transaction. It's also likely within the Ts and Cs you have on the online portal. Take responsibility for your own fek-up. Own it, like a proper man should.
  8. Well yes but they aren't going to retro fit rooftop parking to the old Farmfoods building 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Roof top parking? In Woodseats? Will they be sorting that out at the same time as the bullet train?
  10. There are people on this forum who believe tripe like this.
  11. Meanwhile, in the echo chamber of the official anti-CAZ Telegram group.... Christ alive....
  12. Looks like he is choosing to ignore me full stop now. Another for the friends list.
  13. I have literally said twice now there is a thing called VARIABLE Direct Debit, whereby you don't pay the 7% premium, the meter is read monthly and they only take what you use, I even provided a link, are you choosing to ignore this?
  14. Aye, by arresting the opening poster. Not the best advice you could give....
  15. No it means that at least 2 people have to have the buffet (minimum for 2 people) not that it's £18.95 for two people. It's not going to be £9.48 each for eat as much as you want, that would be absurd. And no that menu won't be for phone orders/takeaways. It's for the sit in buffet where they can judge a child's height. They have a separate a la carte menu.
  16. Did you not read the bits on the link I posted whereby they will only take out each month the actual amount you have used if you ask them to? If your provider doesn't offer that (usually called Variable Direct Debit or similar) or is being difficult about it, vote with your feet and move to somewhere that does. Octopus is my suggestion. Paying 7% more when it's not cheap to begin with is ludicrous. Obviously a Variable DD will mean in summer they take less than in winter.
  17. How cheap do you want it? How much are the expensive ones in the survey? The term "cheap" is relative.
  18. No they dont. They are freely available in the terms and conditions they have to make available to customers, by law. And, as you found out, they could even tell you on the phone. Do you want to repeat that a third time? If you really made a 7k (?) foreign currency purchase without making at least a cursory effort to even check if this would attract a percentage or flat fee, more fool you.
  19. Someone is going to mention "it" before 4pm. Not saying what, but I will let you know when they do.
  20. Would say so yes - found this https://www.zmenu.com/wong-ting-sheffield-online-menu/ says £18.95 on the menu, feasible its gone up a quid each since. I would take a look at the Tripadvisor reviews though. They strongly suggest one of the staff members is a nutter and that they are a bit sniffy towards non-Chinese people.
  21. I haven't fixed it. Octopus Tracker. I may have mentioned it about 10 times in the Energy thread before Octopus put a waiting list on the tariff. I wager not a single person on here took my advice, too blindly accepting quarterly billing at a 7% premium. Oh and to the rest of your post: of course it's exactly the same. It's called being responsible for your own finances.
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