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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Took a look, the July cap is announced next week on Thursday. Its likely to be a cut to around 27p per unit of leccy and 8p per unit of gas. Meanwhile, my gas is 3.64p today and all weekend (it isnt traded at weekends), electric 17.52p today and then a jump down to 16.65p tomorrow....
  2. I suggest you do some research, there are Direct Debit plans available where they only take the amount you have used that month. I assume you didn't realise that given your posts above. As for estimating, well if you don't sent readings in then yes they will do that, whose fault is that? In which case you are needlessly paying 7% more. Ask British Gas to put you on a Variable Direct Debit https://www.britishgas.co.uk/help-and-support/bills-and-payments/setting-up-a-direct-debit The one Redruby was ranting about is the Fixed Direct Debit. Some people don't like those which is fair enough.
  3. Well yes and no. I assume you are receiving your bills quarterly, for which you pay a 7% premium no matter if you are billed online or paper. Set up a direct debit and ask to be moved to Direct Debit monthly billing, you read the meter monthly (or it sends it in if its a smart meter), they generate a montlhy bill, and they take it a week or so later. Who is your provider?
  4. Why are you having your gas bills sent in this way, you do realise you are more than likely paying 7% more for paying your gas (and presumably electric) in this manner dont you?
  5. It's going to be the same everywhere. I believe only 6-2pm on weekdays, along with live football, will be local going forward. The rest is regionalised or nationalised.
  6. The linked article in the opening post explains her insanity.
  7. Looks like it was an admin error involving a small amount of customers, there is an approx 7% discount for paying by direct debit and they forgot to change the rates. Doesnt look malicious..
  8. Yes, because they make up a huge percentage of the bus fleet in Sheffield and the fact TM Travel still run a few clapped out buses still can't be used to make a sweeping generalisation of the state of buses in Sheffield. What point are you actually trying to make here? Don't go to bed, it's not even 7pm yet.
  9. Yes, for TM Travel buses, which make up a tiny fraction of the overall Sheffield fleet and you can't make a judgement on the state of buses in Sheffield based on this tiny outfit.
  10. Gas 3.93p today. From memory it was 3.7p or so before the proverbial hit the fan. Electric has been 17.8p or lower for the last 7 days. The cap goes down on the 1st July, announcement on what that is before the end of the month.
  11. First and Stagecoach account for what, 95% of routes/buses in Sheffield? And I would wager all of their buses are no older than 12 years.
  12. Bar the very first on this list all seem to be 2003 or later and all but five are a 55 plate (September 2005) or later. https://bustimes.org/operators/tm-travel/vehicles
  13. I suspect their tongue was firmly in cheek. The fact the airport was over 100 miles away from Sheffield makes the story even less believable.
  14. Come on, are you expecting people to believe that a school would have sent a teacher to watch someone undertake a SATS test at Manchester (?) Airport of the morning of a flight?
  15. They are likely in the store with full approval from the store and/or Head Office, the Sainsbury's near the Cathedral tram stop on town seems to constantly have on inside the entrance on the left as you go in, they wouldn't be there if they didn't have permission. The more people who complain about it, the less likely they are to approve it going forward.
  16. Oh. Well that's fine I suppose. I thought you were saying you press No and then they ask you again.
  17. If you have said No on the terminal that should be the end of it. Make a complaint.
  18. You clearly have no understanding of how kids of this age are "coached" for exams. Or anything, for that matter It's alright folks, a load of teachers and the TES say the paper was tricky but Random Letters Random Numbers off a forum with no qualifications says it was easy peasy. May as well lock the thread.
  19. So you don't think that after months of it being drummed into them that "there is only one correct answer", they then open the paper, and it turns out there are actually two, could confuse a 10 year old child?
  20. The shop staff? They shouldnt, thats not on.
  21. Fair enough. Some shops they ask you regardless of method on the self service tills. You can always press the No button anyway, and then its job done. Least you arent being blackmailed to do it like with the chuggers. There is usually one in the Sainsburys near the Cathedral tram stop too. To be fair thats better than what WH Smith did for years, which was try to aggressively flog you chocolate at the manned tills.
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