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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Maybe our forum genius can now pick the bones out of the paper and let us know what he thinks... BBC News - Sats 2023: KS2 reading paper revealed after row over difficulty https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-65624697
  2. Where at any point did Jack Grey say he was using his card? At some shops you get asked if you want to make a charity donation REGARDLESS of the payment method, usually on the self service tills. Asda being a good example.
  3. Complain to the supermarket then and vote with your feet.
  4. Do you understand what timing points are yet? And who is "we"? Off you scuttle back to the football threads.
  5. Odd how that's the building you chose to reference. Something you want to tell us?
  6. It's a fantastic contradiction. Maybe he was just "sticking it to the man".
  7. Aye, all that way. A trek so arduous you need crampons and Kendal mint cake.
  8. If you are talking about merging operations it's already happened. BBC News and BBC World News merged the other week. Local radio was rubbish before and will be rubbish afterwards so it's no comparison really.
  9. The BBC won't give two hoots if there is a strike, they will just put BBC 5 Live on all the local stations instead.
  10. They are 10 and 11 year old kids ffs, your expectations are far too high.
  11. The two Y6 teachers I have spoken to did as they had half an hour before handing out the papers to take a look. This is allowed. They didnt provide specific details other than saying the overall paper was "easily of a GCSE standard". Hope this helps, or are there any further questions? In the real word people see the mega difficult questions in an already pressurised environment and setting and go into a tizz straight off the bat. Even adults do this. How are you expecting 10 and 11 year old to react?
  12. Of course not. However there is this thing called "talking", whereby people will talk to each other about things that have happened. Sometimes teachers "talk" about things they have seen and done and this talking may have been in my direction at me. Try it sometimes.
  13. No no no mate. The exams that happened last week are embargoed and nobody can see them yet. Not even the teachers.
  14. What on earth are you on about? SATs were last week. Do you wish to continue?
  15. You have made that assessment without even seeing it? Blimey. One teacher I spoke to said the paper in question was verging on "GCSE standard". Why would a 10/11 year old be taught a GCSE syllabus? Oh and maybe an answer to my initial question?
  16. I got the impression he would happily let anyone use his toilet. Or is he happy to pick and choose? Who knows.
  17. I'm going to go into Chekhovs shop soon, ask to use the toilet, pee all over his floor, leave massive skids down the bowl, and then leave without buying anything. No reason why he wouldn't be fine with this.
  18. OK, let's imagine you took a night course in a subject, and then when the end of term exam took place there was nothing in the exam you had actually covered in the course. Would you be a little bit narked or not?
  19. Ah in which case you wont be aware as to how the results are done these days, its done in a very different way whereby the result isnt known until the last result is given, its very clever tbh. Its also not dragged out by satellite problems and phone delays anymore, nor do they spend ages giving out all 10 points per country.
  20. The way the results are done now are the best way they have come up with doing it. Think you are looking at this with rose tinted specs, go and look at some of the ones from the 80s and 90s with a runaway winner, it was obvious after 10 countries who had won. The Katrina and the Waves win in 97 was exactly like this, absolutely bugger all tension past five minutes.
  21. Kids are never to young to learn that life can be a bit crap. Saying that though, every single teacher I have spoken to said the tests were very different to previous years.
  22. It doesnt, but if you dont want to eat Halal meat and cite the reason its the way the meat is slaughtered, how do they think normal meat is processed? Do they think the animals are read a pretty bedtime story in a lovely meadow and are then given a gentle injection and slip off whilst someone is holding their hoof? If thats the road they are going down with refusing to eat Halal, they may as well eat no meat at all. Animal slaughter is animal slaughter, doesnt really matter how its done tbh.
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