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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. It doesnt, but if you dont want to eat Halal meat and cite the reason its the way the meat is slaughtered, how do they think normal meat is processed? Do they think the animals are read a pretty bedtime story in a lovely meadow and are then given a gentle injection and slip off whilst someone is holding their hoof? If thats the road they are going down with refusing to eat Halal, they may as well eat no meat at all. Animal slaughter is animal slaughter, doesnt really matter how its done tbh.
  2. Why has my post naming the racist been removed?
  3. Suspect they are going to Boro at the weekend and playing for penalties, they were dire.
  4. Coventry didnt have a single shot on target yesterday. At home. As an entire team.
  5. Does she hate Britain in the same way you hate punctuation?
  6. Well that is their problem isnt it? The same people who no doubt just blindly renew their car insurance with the same provider year on year and are no doubt paying hundreds over the odds. People need to take responsibility for their own affairs. There is no harm being savvy about your own finances. My electric is 17.6p per unit today from the grid, about 16p lower than about 95% of the population. My gas is 4.3p. How much is your gas today, assuming you have it?
  7. Its a standard thing done in things like this. Shops change all the time so its easier just to include no shop signs at all.
  8. Ah, here we go. So if I came into your shop, with the intention of spending absolutely nothing, would you still let me use your staff toilet?
  9. Those are usually franchise operations in petrol stations, not directly owned by Morrisons. You may note there used to be a branch of this on Abbeydale Rd and it didnt last long. Waitrose is very south centric (look at this map if you dont believe me). They are highly unlikely to open a convenience version in Sheffield a couple of miles away from a large supermarket
  10. I know that. So you should have checked before doing it. There are numerous fee free foreign currency debit and credit cards out there, do some research. And yes, its usually flat fee on one and a percentage on another.
  11. If you are making transactions in foreign currency, especially large ones, and don't spend at least 5 minutes checking the terms, more fool you. Not quite sure why a camper van is attracting a foreign transaction fee though. What has New Zealand got to do with it, have you forgotten to type a word or two?
  12. Sweden won the other night on a sympathy vote? Interesting. It was a 2022 one-off, nothing more. The best songs came 1st and 2nd the other night, without a doubt.
  13. It's not going to be a little Waitrose. There is a Waitrose only a few miles away and I dont believe there is a single "little Waitrose" up north (happy to be corrected there). Plus that unit is well away from the other Woodseats shops.
  14. Do you only have BBC One? Should get your aerial looked at, mate.
  15. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  16. Whilst 10m in this country alone are watching it (not many programmes in the UK will have had more this year), the event is going nowhere. Thankfully.
  17. How is Sweden, who got 0 points from it's neighbour Finland in the televote, political in the slightest @spilldig? If it was political the UK wouldn't have come second last year (essentially first behind a sympathy war vote which won't be repeated)
  18. Even the members of the group are getting a bit sick of others now (in the comments). Cracks starting to show... https://www.facebook.com/groups/1801903783494447/permalink/2034801520204671/
  19. They have nothing to "blow" on Thursday tbh, the tie has already been lost.
  20. I literally said last night that the event will NOT be in Australia if they win, there is no rule to get around.
  21. I've never queued up there for an hour. Most was ever 20 minutes and even then the queue went back to the main road.
  22. Imagine if the world in 2023 is different to 1967.
  23. Nope. They would have to find a European country to host on their behalf. That's what they signed up to. It won't be a problem as he is talking out of his rear. See above.
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