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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Oh my, he isnt ignoring me. OK then....like I said, the vast majority of people on the streets actually have homes to go to. The rest can choose to access existing housing solutions, and guess what? They dont. For whatever reason (because they prefer the streets, embarrassment, because they are constantly high/drunk, because they are extremely violent, because they have in the past and have been kicked out for misbehaving, or a combination of them all). Migrants generally arent chaotic and will happily take a hotel room when fleeing whatever they are fleeing in whatever country they have come from. A totally different mindset to homeless people. Add to that empty commercial buildings not set up for human habitation cant be used to house anyone, it isnt legal. Migrants are NOT being placed in empty commercial buildings with a lack of basic facilities.
  2. It's pointless having a discussion with the above as he has me on ignore. Just for the record.
  3. Have you been out to the streets and actually asked how many of them actually want to be put up somewhere? I think you would be shocked at the answer.
  4. An unfeasible alternative. You may as well say they can build a ladder to the Moon and they can climb it and live there, it's equally as unworkable.
  5. It's not feasible in the slightest for every reason I have given. This isn't to mention homeless people are some of the most chaotic members of society, especially when you lob in likely substance misuse into the mix, what do you think will happen when you place 30 of them (many of which will be actively choosing to live on the streets, lest we forget) in an empty building together? I dread to think.
  6. How do you know those werent in the section of the building that the Easy Hotel now occupies? How do you know they are still there and weren't ripped out when the building was returned to a "shell"? How many toilets? How many people are you wanting to move in there? Showers? See, it's not as easy as you think.
  7. If so why isn't everywhere doing the same? The simple answer is that it isn't legal to do so without spending a hefty sum on the building and then providing sufficient wraparound support. And obviously the landlord has to agree in the first instance, who pays the landlord?
  8. I am sure advertising packages through the Forum are available, ask @SFBeca for details...
  9. Why would an empty commercial building have a load of toilets, showers and wash bowls? As @The_DADDY said, it would cost a bomb, you can't just shove a person in a place like that and spend twenty quid on a fresh tin of paint. Tell yer mate Organgrinder that it's nothing to do with me being comfortable, it's about the practicalities. If it was fine just to let homeless people doss in empty commercial buildings every area would be doing it.
  10. Why has my post been deleted? Has literally nobody read the second line of the linked article?
  11. You think they are wandering around Attercliffe when not filming or inside the Arena? You are bonkers.
  12. The programme isnt being made by the BBC, love. Note the word in bold. And comparing Attercliffe to Media City is absurd, so not worthy of any further comment.
  13. Indeed. I didn't say it was all programmes of the same ilk, though. I can understand why they don't on Bargain Hunt, though, just for simplicity.
  14. Why would the BBC be issuing them with stab proof vests when the BBC arent making the programme? Also, why would they aimlessly be wandering around Attercliffe before and after filming? What an odd suggestion.
  15. Thank you for your opinion "LovePotion"...erm, I mean "Irene", I will take it under advisement.
  16. Its as if Anna B hasnt a clue what she is talking about, who knew.
  17. Its perfectly accessible, why on earth do you think otherwise? Two separate entrances off the Parkway and the Ring Road, and thats ignoring the car park at the hotel.
  18. "Hiding" is maybe the wrong word, go and watch an episode of Bargain Hunt, it simply isnt mentioned. A team in the real world wont be making £10 profit on an item they bought for £60 and sold for £70 at an auction house that then creams 18% off the price, but it is presented to the viewer that they have made a profit, which is incorrect.
  19. Bring back parking outside the Lyceum!!!!!!!! (hello, Fools)
  20. Bright House 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Is the OP the same person who was in here last year and deleted her account? Picture of a girl in her profile picture and was obsessed with buses to Wyming Brook and stores such as Flannels and Fenwicks opening here? 🤔
  21. I thought they had to go back into the running of the system?
  22. No no they can just sleep on the concrete floor mate, with no toilets and washing facilities or social workers and the landlord won't have any issue with this.
  23. It's ludicrous to do what you are suggesting, maybe someone else can explain it to you.
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