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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. It's clearly not worth continuing this discussion with you if you can't see the difference.
  2. I agree. But what you are suggesting is letting a load of homeless people use a building which is an empty concrete shell, which isn't suitable for human habitation. And that's before you even mention the social aspect of a load of people with complex needs sharing a small space, which would require plenty of wraparound support and multi agency working. See how it's not workable? In part of the building yes.
  3. Fixed a word for you there. None. But I am not the one on this thread suggesting a private landlord takes a load in to live in an empty concrete commercial building unfit for human habitation.
  4. How many homeless people will you be letting move in with you to help with the situation?
  5. Solve perhaps the wrong word. You knew what I meant. People are quick to demand others do things without wanting to do anything themselves. So why should a private landlord house a load of homeless people in his or her building, even if they were allowed to? Is Irene helping by letting a homeless person live with her? Was an innocent enough question.
  6. What, inject realism into things? You can't throw a load of homeless people into an empty concrete shell of a commercial building. Asking Irene what she is doing herself to solve the issue is hardly offensive.
  7. God here we go again, you can't just lob "the homeless" in an empty (gutted in this case) commercial building. How many are you letting stay at your gaff, Irene?
  8. Indeed. It gives an unrealistic view of what happens at an auction though.
  9. Maybe it's best you just don't leave the house.
  10. Well yes they are expecting things to creep up again from Q4 onwards, the predicted cap for Q4 and Q1 next year are higher than the predicted cap for Q3. Or at least they were when I last looked.
  11. Self employed people can add the fee onto their quotes much easily than anyone else can tbh.
  12. Auction houses take hefty cuts. In this instance the hammer went down on 4600 and the amount after fees was 3772, Cressida got the second number slightly wrong. Thats 18% taken off, a standard auction sellers fee.
  13. Auction fees, mate. Programmes like Bargain Hunt conveniently forget these fees exist. This programme though is transparent.
  14. Well yes, thats why the zone has been brought in, thats not a secret is it?
  15. The only time I have been in there so far there was barely anyone in, shall take your word on that. To be frank everytime I have been in the Co-Op round the corner I have had to queue too, if its not behind a few old dears at the main checkouts, its behind a few old dears at the ciggie kiosk paying their bills. All much of a muchness.
  16. Its worth stressing to ANYONE who moves over to Octopus on their bog standard rate (there are no fixes currently) you will still pay the same unit rate as more or less everyone else with other providers, unless you are prepared to go on one of their dynamic tarriffs, all of which I think now require a smart meter: Octopus Agile (half hour pricing) - https://octopus.energy/agile/ Octopus Tracker (daily pricing, the one I am on. This now has a substantial waiting list) - https://octopus.energy/smart/tracker/ Octopus Go (you need an electric car for this) - https://octopus.energy/smart/go/ Octopus Cozy (heat pumps needed) - https://octopus.energy/cosy/
  17. Asda charge 32p (or 34p, may have gone up recently) for their cheapest ones, and as said the Co-Op charged 70p, they do offer a cheaper range according to Google but the Co-Op shop I was in certainly didnt stock it, or even have an empty space for them. I have always found the Co-Op to be more expensive than their competitors. As I said, its no loss (bar possibly jobs going)
  18. I wasnt far off then 😃 Now I accept transport is a bit easier these days, so maybe one day this trend will be bucked.
  19. It really isnt. The Co-Op is a rip off, there is a brand new Lidl just opened round the corner, the recently opened Tesco Express on Fargate is probably the same pricing, you already have another Tesco Express and Sainsburys Local nearby too. Its only a "bad day" for nostalgia freaks. As said in another thread, I had to go in the Co-Op recently and it was 70p for a tin of chopped tomatoes. It wont even be half that in the Lidl. As for the rest of the old Co-Op building, that is now being used by other enterprises.
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