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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Think I read no American leader has been to a Coronation for 200 years.
  2. There is a new Lidl round the corner which is infinitly cheaper. No loss (other than the jobs)
  3. Their dynamic tariffs are, yes. I may have mentioned this before. My electric has been around 18p per unit for the last week, gas less than 5p.
  4. The sentence... ... clearly suggests to anyone reading it that the incident happened last summer. I wasn't the only person who read it in this way. I don't care about Stocksbridge. Fact remains you have sat on this for months and only started a thread this week about it. No idea, my phone is playing tricks. We know you didn't say it.
  5. So the genesis of this thread was something that happened months ago, thanks for confirming.
  6. Sounds like you were on a variable DD with Bulb but Octopus have put you on a basic DD. Ask Octopus to switch you to variable DD.
  7. Erm you said the Woodhouse incident was "last summer" in post #113. Are you losing track now?
  8. If his emails are anything like the content of his website, pretty sure it will just be a coincidence.
  9. Of course you are, mate. If you were that worried about it you change who the legal owner is, talk about overthinking it.
  10. The nearby new Lidl has clearly put the squeeze on the high prices the Co-Op charge. Survival of the fittest.
  11. In a council employee car park, not open to the public, what's the issue? If you wanted them just to park in a car park and pay for it then that would be claimed back on expenses anyway so pick yer poison.
  12. It does. This thread is a very poor attempt at yet another football wind up.
  13. The paranoia gets worse, they think Facebook is deleting their posts so they have started a Telegram group. Look at this peach of a post... "prepared to go underground" 😂😂😂
  14. It's not even a case when it's the only shop nearby. I went in one last weekend, a branch quite near an Asda however the Asda was shut. Needed a tin of chopped tomatoes. 70p. Would have been 32p in Asda if it was open. I have never been asked to donate in charity in there though so you are going to have to elaborate there.
  15. What other places? You are overthinking it, just bypass the tills and go to the bogs surely, I don't know of a single place in the city centre that has a code on the doors like they do at some takeaway places in Leicester Sq in London, a code you only get on a receipt. If I was at that end of town I would be going in the Bankers Draft. No need to even inform the staff what you are doing, they likely don't give a toss and far too many people in there for them to notice, just head to the stairs and go down to the toilet. Granted you can't do that with a child past a certain time though.
  16. Times have changed. I went to Spain recently. I was getting 1.13 to the pound all week on a forex and fee free debit card whilst the best rate I saw in a change shop was 1.08. There are loads of these cards on the market now, do some research. If you want to diddle yourself out of a few percent each time, you crack on with the "cash is king" mantra.
  17. He is still an elected member who may stand for his seat when that is up (think that is next year).
  18. And to be fair they didn't have to tell the bouncer anything, they could have been going in to buy food along with most other people who go there.
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