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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. The customer toilets, yes. This thread is about someone ranting on that every Tom, Dick and Harry should be allowed to use the behind the scenes staff toilets, which is very different.
  2. But in the process breaching the terms of the insurance of the building you are working in. See the dilemma? Not worth getting sacked over really.
  3. Very little evidence in this thread to suggest otherwise. And potentially been up on a disciplinary for letting customers use the staff areas?
  4. That's great, where are you planning to move to? Moving to an EU country legally is now difficult due to the actions of the 52%, so good luck.
  5. No, a number of people on this thread have already disagreed with you. Open yer peepers.
  6. What turnout were you expecting in a standalone one third council election?
  7. Some more here https://www.facebook.com/groups/1801903783494447/permalink/2028823267469163/
  8. Indeed, it's only the local party being put under special measures by the national party. A big difference.
  9. He is too busy writing letters. "Dear Co-op. Why oh why oh why do you not provide customer toilets when you legally don't have to, and why don't you let your customers use the staff toilets and just ignore the potential insurance implications? ". Probably taken 8 days for a reply as everyone is having a good laugh at it.
  10. Which has just been totally rubbished by post 16. Anything else?
  11. I was doing 28 rather quickly, mistakes can happen. I shall amend it, just for you.
  12. That angle seems to wind you up, so maybe I will.
  13. Oh of course. I am still allowed to think there shouldn't have been one in the first place though, because the general public are thick and not to be trusted. Anyway, we digress.
  14. Again, I agree. But no basis to rerun an election as per the initial giddyness from Ghozer. Maybe you can tell us of the great benefits it has brought so far....
  15. I agree. It certainly forms no basis to rerun a whole election though.
  16. People on here seem to want a referendum for every single decision made. Imagine how much that would cost, and how much time it would take. And look what happened when you let the thick general public have a referendum on a decision last time around.....
  17. At a guess, absolutely nobody and its just a typo. Last year the elections were on the 5th May and the page hasnt been updated properly (they updated the year but didnt update the day) No, it wont cause a revote. How many people ignore the date on their polling card, media coverage etc and consult this specific page on the SCC website to find out what date its on instead? If you have genuine concerns, contact the Electoral Commission. Election fixing on behalf of whom? Which demographic/group of voters are more likely to ignore their voting card and look on the SCC website for the date instead, and thus miss the election? Show your working.
  18. Yes because we all know the general public are sensible, rational human beings. I wouldnt trust them to run a bath, let alone the country or a local authority. Your idea isnt workable. "Volunteers from the electoral register" will fall into one main demographic: the retired busybody with far too much time on their hands, and would not be reflective of the general population. This is the reason jury duty isnt voluntary.
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