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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. For gods sake. How much extra bureaucracy do you want in local government. We have elections so people are elected to make decisions. This is how a democracy works. You may not like the net result but this is how it is. If you dont like it, maybe move to a dictatorship, or an absolute monarchy.
  2. The paranoia in full flight, christ alive https://www.facebook.com/groups/1801903783494447/permalink/2028585197492970/
  3. Not sure where Labour took one from the Greens. The other way round has certainly happened, though.
  4. Yup, all results in and as far as I can make out... Labour 39 Lib Dems 29 Greens 14 Conservative 1 Independent 1
  5. Looking through that, every incumbent who stood for election has got back in, and those where the incumbent didnt stand the party who won in 2019 still won, except: - In Hillsborough: Greens GAIN from Labour
  6. Well going off the thread I started, they are continuing to do so.
  7. Starting to trickle through now. Stupidly, these pages dont say if its a gain or a hold for each party All results now in Beauchief/Greenhill: Lib Dem win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-beauchief-and-greenhill Beighton: Lib Dems win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-beighton Birley: Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-birley Broomhill/Sharrow Vale: Green win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-broomhill-and-sharrow-vale Burngreave: Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-burngreave City Ward: Greens win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-city Crookes/Crosspool: Lib Dem win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-crookes-and-crosspool Darnall: Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-darnall Dore & Totley: Lib Dem win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-dore-totley East Ecclesfield: Lib Dems win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-east-ecclesfield Ecclesall: Lib Dems win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-elections-results-2023-ecclesall Firth Park: Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-elections-results-2023-firth-park Fulwood: Lib Dems win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-fulwood Gleadless Valley: Green win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-gleadless-valley Graves Park: Lib Dems win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-graves-park Hillsborough: Greens win (from Labour): https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-hillsborough Manor Castle: Labour win both seats on offer: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-manor-castle Mosborough: Lib Dem win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-mosborough Nether Edge and Sharrow: Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-nether-edge-sharrow Park & Arbourthorne: Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-park-and-arbourthorne Richmond - Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-richmond Shiregreen & Brightside - Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-shiregreen-and-brightside Southey: Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-elections-results-2023-southey Stannington - Lib Dem win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-stannington Stocksbridge & Upper Don: Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-stocksbridge-upper-don Walkley: Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-walkley West Ecclesfield: Lib Dem win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-west-ecclesfield Woodhouse - Labour win: https://sheffnews.com/news/sheffield-election-results-2023-woodhouse
  8. Do you get to watch it the day before its filmed and broadcast? A neat trick.
  9. It's on Twitter as of 7am this morning, although they do use the words "it's understood"... He isn't standing down from his elected position, just as leader.
  10. See 2nd line of my last post. All the other stuff made the position untenable. As for the election: a) Labour making gains nationwide b) not enough people in Sheffield care about the CAZ and tree stuff not to vote Labour. c) Red rosette on a donkey No doubt all this will be blown out the water when the count is done, mind.
  11. I suppose thats one way of dodging my questions, just to ignore me. Off you pop then, you wont be replying to this. As for "absolute cobblers", maybe go and heal yourself, physician.
  12. Erm, they wouldnt. Difference being your staff are allowed in the back room(s), customers are not. Are you a bit dense?
  13. Given your cavalier attitude to health and safety legislation I dont believe for one second you operate a fully legally compliant business, your willingness to let all and sundry go and use your staff toilet (with no thought of potential consequences) clearly displays this. Its a funny character though, so well played.
  14. And I already answered this, you have chosen to ignore it. You even quoted it this morning ffs.
  15. Quite clearly @ECCOnoobis on about the city CENTRE, and not some suburban outpost. A bus trip round the city? Including Woodhouse? Really? Seems a bit far fetched.
  16. Have you not picked a day yet? I can do Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday, although I will need to check with her mum what day she wants to come round this week. Are you going to answer the question posed?
  17. Well no, he reportedly resigned before a single vote was counted today. Seems to be over the tree felling stuff. People in Sheffield would vote for a donkey with a red rosette on it, so I dont think its that.
  18. An update... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0iksykPxzRAqxuCHSb66ZRjRp2M3TsM9iZRNFagyTzVUrGjy5wduDPSbkG9atfsKMl&id=100063652427454
  19. Right so your initial statement of "If a business has no toilet or is unusable then it's not worth my custom" was rubbish then, thanks for confirming. How are we classing "nipping in the Co-Op at Woodseats for 5 minutes for a pint of milk"? They dont have toilets. Is that going to be manageable for you?
  20. So you expect newsagents, dry cleaners, butchers and greengrocers to all have customer toilets? Join Chekhov in cloud cuckoo land, please.
  21. No idea. Shall we find out? Pick a day I can bring my niece in to use your toilet. Oh, and the obvious difference would be the shop insurance would cover staff having accidents in back areas, surely you arent that dim. Do you actually run your own business or is that just the "character" you have created on here for your own amusement?
  22. Dunno, am I? All I am saying it your liability insurance provider certainly wouldnt be happy, and probably wouldnt pay out, if my 9 year old niece had an accident in your back rooms whilst she went to use your staff only toilet. Want to give it a go? Can bring her in next week one day after school, just let me know.
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