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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. There is no "probably" about it. It was filmed, if memory serves, in October, for exactly the reason you stated. Thankfully Australia haven't decided to roll back the Covid clock.
  2. Hope you have booked a table if there are a few of you!
  3. That's likely because retail habits have changed and people go to the larger places like Pets At Home and Cookes now, which are on retail parks generally. Same can be said for other things (buying a sofa, buying a TV etc). The last pet shop I was aware of within the Sheffield inner ring road was one near the bottom of The Moor. Maybe going back 10 years here. It wasn't very nice. It's now a cafe.
  4. ... Which wouldn't be accepted by the staff there, who let's all remember haven't decided to bring in the ID thing and are merely following the rules. I can see a lot of people wrongly taking frustrations out on election staff on Thursday. Someone posted a table on here that said young people are more likely to have a valid ID than older folk. Yes it's not 100% but I don't believe you or anyone else ever said that, but here he is using capital letters again.
  5. Reopens June https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02yCxKK34iFpp5WHt549m6wYXnJhNMg3yXnzLNJCjBS5sTm72uukB9ygE67fjTBmYvl&id=100063652427454
  6. Oh dear. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1801903783494447/permalink/2024356077915882/
  7. I just saw someone say who the winner was on Reddit, I don't really have any interest in it other then the fact it was pre recorded months ago, I hope they are not pulling the wool over people eyes by pretending it wasn't.
  8. Yes. I am not going to ruin people's fun for a change by posting it.
  9. Indeed I already told you why a week ago, did you not read it?
  10. As I explained in another thread (probably to you) those front row tickets have been designated by World Snooker as "Century Club" tickets. For an eye watering amount you get a free bar, meal, and then a decent seat for the snooker. Think they were 400 quid or so each when I looked last week. Next year is going to be worse as they have decided to try and sell more of these seats The demand for normal tickets at an OK price is huge and these sell out rather quickly.
  11. Aye exactly, you can't park outside the Lyceum anymore, the city is doomed! Doomed I tell you!
  12. I meant something actually in writing, as opposed to "he said she said" rumour.
  13. From everything I have read the closure was for legal/ownership reasons, rather than it being a financial disaster. If you can link me to anything to prove the latter it would be interesting.
  14. And I have had no problem driving around Sheffield tbh. Maybe I am just lucky, or I just don't expect to be able to get to everywhere in a straight line.
  15. You really can't have driven in Manchester in the last 20 years if you genuinely believe that.
  16. They were giving one of the ground floor ones away for zero rent, I recall it being discussed at the time.
  17. Haha!!! Bit like how your death threat got removed? Physician heal thyself.
  18. Should have properly tagged him in really. @A.B.Yaffle
  19. So less than 6%, excellent. Most of it still left then.
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