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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Its triggering my OCD. Loose/lose bugs me too.
  2. Sorry but the accepted plural of bus is buses. Please fix it.
  3. Shaun Murphy lived here for a bit but he is from Northamptonshire, and now lives in Dublin. Its all felt a bit flat so far this year, not sure why.
  4. Think he is much better these days as a host rather than a stand up, The Wheel and his Big Show are both entertaining enough.
  5. See, this isnt good enough for most people on here, they will want people going round knocking on every door, a letter to every house for every decision that has to be made, adverts during Coronation Street. And then the same people will moan about rhe cost of doing all that. You cant win.
  6. You would suspect thats going to be enough.
  7. Just four goals to go to the magic 100 now.
  8. True but a 24k seater arena isnt suitable for snooker, no matter where it is.
  9. You mean a 24k seater "out of city centre" arena they are charging £9 a pint at, and £25 to park the car at? Far too big to hold an event like this, may as well have it at the Arena.
  10. Indeed I assume the legalities of Wilko going into administration meant they couldn't do it sooner.
  11. It's quite possible nobody has taken it and it's merely the retail park owners returning the unit to a blank canvas.
  12. Someone I know went to see a play there which had some lovely title such as Captain Clitoris, may be misremembering the name but it was something equally as odd.
  13. Would hardly call Eurosport "niche". They show a lot of snooker through the year, and tbh I prefer their commentary in the main. They are being swallowed up into TNT in the UK later this year anyway.
  14. Erm no, the winner of the event will have to play 16 sessions of snooker (assuming no thrashings) and that takes 8 days on its own, before you even consider all the other players.
  15. To be fair why should a local authority build a new venue that is likely to be a white elephant for 49 weeks of the year?
  16. Just the 8 goals to go to the magic 100 barrier now.
  17. No, but then Dramaticone waded in as usual essentially claiming everyone in the south of the city will die because the current A&E is through the city centre to the north. He should try moving somewhere like Gairloch. Beautiful place but look where the nearest A&E is.
  18. Fair enough. So not sure what Bassettone is moaning about then.
  19. I suppose YAS currently have to take people to a hospital in the trust area though, dont they? Or is this an incorrect assumption on my part?
  20. And as far as I am aware they pay full taxes in the UK. Fair play to her.
  21. Erm, go to Chesterfield? If you aren't on blue lights in an ambulance and going there under your own steam pretty sure nothing stopping anyone going to any A&E they choose. How do you think people in the Scottish Highlands cope?
  22. My ladder to the Moon from Devonshire Green is more based in reality than this thread.
  23. Yes that was it. He was down at Imrans. Think they were comparing Imrans as a place that has dumped the franchise and were going it alone and going well, to Adnans who were about to have it taken off them.
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