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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. God not this again. Rather than moaning about it on here, officially nominate him.
  2. Can we please use the correct plural form of the work "nursery", please?
  3. I once heard that Meadowhall was built as a prison and it has thousands of bodybags in the basement....
  4. So what on earth is he on about then? 😂😂
  5. Hang on. Apart from the OP who seems to think Poundland is coming to the old Farmfoods unit, is there a shred of independent evidence to back this claim up?
  6. It's still operated by Transport for Greater Manchester. Yet doesn't cover two tenths of the council areas. Not arsed what they include on promo materials or logos tbf, as long as the service operates.
  7. It says South Yorkshire because it's being operated by a South Yorkshire-wide body isn't it? No different to the Metrolink not actually going into all ten areas of Greater Manchester (doesn't operate in Bolton or Wigan iirc)
  8. Surely the number of people in that group above is a tiny percentage of users.
  9. Its the same as those egg proterstors the other year, they did it at Sainsburys on Archer Road. Pick a nice middle class location and/or supermarket, because they know if they went to one like Asda on t'Cross they would, and I quote another contributor, get a good leathering.
  10. Bet they wouldnt try the same protest at Asda on t'Cross.
  11. Maybe check the ye olde store locatore on their ye olde website.
  12. Any excuse to pollute threads with his Covid crap. Surprised it's been allowed to carry on unchecked for so long.
  13. I went in that stand for an away game once. Staggering to think it was allowed to host Euro 96 games, the entire stand is an absolute dive.
  14. I cant imagine the taxi driver would share the same sentiment tbh!
  15. Ha, the taxi driver who had queued up for an hour to take that fare would be utterly foaming at the mouth 😂😂😂
  16. Give us the wisdom of your experience of railway infrastructure projects then and tell us how much it should be costing. Show your working.
  17. 5% is also about what inflation is isn't it? Or not much higher.
  18. From an old thread on here I recall they do like to play a bit fast and loose with their published opening hours.
  19. I've got absolutely no idea then. It wasn't intentional. Chill.
  20. The forum quoted you as post 41 was a double quote.
  21. Nothing stopping them doing so now, this bus gate changes nothing. Most disabled people I know would be horrified that you are looking for an exemption for a thing like this.
  22. Their website doesnt suggest Sharrowvale Rd is shut. Nor does it suggest a 2nd new location for that matter.
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