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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Suppose I know how to add a picture to a forum using image tags, so every cloud.
  2. Aye. A much bigger issue when the forum is paying to host them though.
  3. Yes, but none of those were hosted on here I assume? Some people will take the mick though.
  4. Not really, I've heard it hundreds of times. What's wrong with the usual thread?
  5. Wrong section, have asked for it to be moved https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/forum/5-sheffield-history-amp-expats/
  6. Its not really a secret was it, there was a insert image button, just find the link from elsewhere and paste it in, it wasnt tricky. @Resident has raised a decent point. People posting images equals storage space costs.
  7. Cuttsie with his firestick, there. Fair play.
  8. Fans walking out after 20 minutes 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  9. Ah so you are just pontificating then without having run the numbers through your head, fair enough.
  10. We arent allowed to be trusted with an edit feature for longer than 60 seconds now. Isnt that right, @Hecate and @SheffieldForum ? 😏
  11. And how will refunding £1.09 to every house help? You need to take out of that the cost of administering the refund btw. Have you done the maths?
  12. Of course he's correct, he saw the live sentencing like everyone else did, he want guessing the sentences 😂😂
  13. OK, have you actually thought this through? £250k, and there are 230k properties in Sheffield. How would you like your £1.09 refunded?
  14. https://ce0369li.webitrent.com/ce0369li_webrecruitment/wrd/run/etrec179gf.open?WVID=658647Iqms&LANG=USA&VACANCY_ID=077527UnvT That is the direct link to the job, apologies.
  15. Here it is. https://ce0369li.webitrent.com/ce0369li_webrecruitment/wrd/run/ETREC179GF.open?WVID=658647Iqms A usual case of Anna talking cobblers, it has the same blurb at the bottom of the description all vacancies have.
  16. Saw this on FB today. It reduced this middle aged old man to tears. Poor thing. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid035NSq6ZXuNDUe9LUhzhfvBQqkoaQoKpHVR72aKSz53bMgqk9DBLCj8cRqdWN7URWRl&id=100064536736157 Look at her sat there 🥲
  17. You are new round these parts aren't you? There is no point arguing with him on the subject. He has taken the old Market being knocked down as a personal insult, he once said on here that all it really needed were some new gents toilets and "a fresh lick of paint".
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