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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. So 2h20 or 2h24 to get to London then, I thought it was going to shave time off?
  2. The trolley dolleys on the MML clearly never discussed it in the mess room, obviously.
  3. I mean, you would have more luck really had you put a proper thread title rather than your name.
  4. I know that. Its also nowhere near as important as Sheffield in terms of population size, business links etc, so that needs rectifying. Doncaster a historical beneficiary of railway geography. As for the rest of your post, I dont think anyone is throwing money at the infrastructure, there are no line upgrades here or money being thrown at it,, its just ONE operator running TWO trains a day. Its still going to be hamstrung by the low speed limit on the Retford-Sheffield section. It just so happens its still quicker going this route than using the MML, which is a shocker in itself.
  5. Well yes, could be the case these two return journeys aren't at very attractive times.
  6. Maybe Kirky will see it when he returns to the forum for the first time in 10 months then 😂😂😂 See you again in another 2.5 years time Ms?
  7. Indeed, although the times will be a dealbreaker, ideally a post 8am departure.
  8. And anyone in Worksop has to take an infrequent train to either Retford or Nottingham, the latter takes ages, and the former requires moving from low level to high level platforms.
  9. You say it's decent but Doncaster has a train that takes half an hour less. So for a city the size of Sheffield the journey time is a bit of a disgrace really.
  10. I mean I've literally already explained it. Go and argue with someone else. If it shuts you up, you win. Well done. Even though you don't. Now let's all move on.
  11. Of course he can't, he's now doubling down with big text because he can't read properly. He would start an argument in an empty room ffs.
  12. The next nearest pubs a whole 10 minutes away? Oh the humanity!!!!
  13. Yes I do, I said I highly doubt they are choosing to do this route willingly. This is rather different than you claiming that I was claiming they weren't using the route at all. Like I said, apology accepted. Go and have an argument with someone else ffs.
  14. No i didn't, I literally agreed with you, it's not my fault your reading comprehension skills are poor. At no point did I say they were NOT going round the Horn. Stop looking to have an argument with everyone for a change.
  15. I'm off to the shoppe this morning. Ye olde shoppe.
  16. Eh? Go and read it again. Did you miss the word "willingly" at the end? Apology accepted. I literally wasn't having an argument with you yet you decided to have one anyway, as per usual.
  17. Ita clearly why the thread was started 😂 read the final paragraph of the opening post
  18. Exactly, because it costs more so that gets passed on. No conspiracy here.
  19. I highly doubt that companies are choosing to go round the Horn and add what, 2 to 3 weeks to journey times, willingly.
  20. Be honest, you made a typo and you are just doubling down 😂😂😂
  21. Ring them and ask? https://www.nibblespizza.co.uk/contact Doesnt let you order online through that website though, at 6.20pm on a Thursday night....
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