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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. I don't think the opening poster asked for opinions on his medical choices tbh.
  2. He should retire really, isnt this the 2nd time in less than a year hes had a similar issue?
  3. Blaming Tuffn Well no, it became rubbish when they binned a host of 24 years and changed the format of it.
  4. Oh of course. This death today isnt though. The case has been closed.
  5. Hang on... Do people really drive to other residential streets just to see what external decorations and lights they have up? Wow.
  6. Google says it is. Seems a good place to start?
  7. No she has previously said it doesn't matter how old a post is, it's there to be replied to. So now it's being done as part of the persona.
  8. Is the Caribbean shop still open down the Wicker?
  9. Hnnnng don't they call it Winterval or something now hnnnnggggg!!
  10. So you have contacted the providers and had the utilities officially disconnected and paid any fee to do so? This is the only way to avoid standing charges. Turning the electric/gas off at the fuse box/master switch/tap isn't the same thing. Some charge a fee, some don't, however fees to reconnect are usually hefty and if you are renting you can generally forget it.
  11. You are still connected to the grid. Therefore service charges apply. The easy way to avoid them is to disconnect from the grid. I suspect this will not be cost effective.
  12. There is loads of signage and this was certainly the case when the morons on this forum got caught out (see the other thread on it). Go down and look. Anyone who can't read road signs needs their license taken off them. No exceptions. Thank you for speaking so highly of me. Must say it's a massive badge of honour to have made you break a 4 year silence 😍😍
  13. Indeed, was expecting it to be a little higher. Will 100% be going back.
  14. Oh suppose should mention.... Three courses each, two pints, two large glasses of an apparently lovely white wine and a shot of limoncello... £105. Eh up, ow bleedin much? Was 50p for chips down t'Hole In t'Road etc etc etc.
  15. Depends on the sport. Women absolutely fine doing golf, or tennis, or cricket. Football: no. I actively find another channel where a woman isnt doing the game involved.
  16. Wetting the floor before anyone arrives is a world of difference from wetting actual people sat there.
  17. Just got back. Oh my, what a meal. And a fantastic atmosphere in there too. Table next to us was a table of Italians so if they are going in there it's clearly good. Pics of my food below (not in order of consumption). I had the baby squid starter (with a rosemary garlic bread to share) , followed by a lovely panchetta and roast potato pizza, and then the best tiramisu I have ever had in my life. Lovely staff too and a great pint also.
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