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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Do you think society would grind to a halt if the roads were blocked with snow or the pavements were blocked with snow? Top tip - the answer isn't the latter
  2. Well yes. On the flip side it's utter nonsense to say nothing is going on either
  3. Absolutely not. There is no legal requirement for grit to be made available by a local authority AFAIK.
  4. You could simply name the meetings. But the fact you arent say it all. Enjoy your Sunday.
  5. Which meetings are these then? Or is this the usual "councillors get everything paid for and earn loads" misinformed rubbish we usually see on here?
  6. I don't think you can actually sue a local authority for falling over in the snow.
  7. Yes, the dancing the most famous thing she was known for of course.....
  8. You do realise that on Tramlines weekend literally every single pub and bar in the city centre still puts events on, don't you?
  9. So you concede the area in front of the main stage at Bramham Park, with a few ten thousand people on it, is liable to turn into a mud bath as much as Hillsborough Park is? The size of the park is irrelevant, Tramlines doesn't need a bigger venue unless they want to sell more tickets. Again, this thread is one massive overreaction to a freak July three day downpour.
  10. They still have a few ten thousand people stood there for 3 days straight in front of the main stage though. No different to Hillsborough. So what do they do to mitigate? I assumed you knew?
  11. Well yes they have three times the number of people. They must still mitigate again bad weather surely, if it's the normal done thing?
  12. What do the organisers of the Leeds Festival put down at Bramham Park in Wetherby then to stop it being ruined? I am deferring to you as you seem to be the expert.
  13. In all honesty they probably could decide not to put them on, being a smoker (or not being a smoker) is not a protected characteristic.
  14. It was possibly something that was integral to the goings on that day, either that or the rules have been heavily tightened up since.
  15. Programmes such as Big Brother and IACGMOOH will have off screen smoking areas they are allowed to smoke in as the sets are legally the home of the contestants. OFCOM are quite strict on smoking on programmes, hence why you wont see any, or much, unless there is "strong editorial justification". Maybe a drama showing Winston Churchill smoking a big fat cigar would be allowed as that is one of the things he was known for. A bunch of celebs in a jungle, clearly not https://ash.org.uk/law/media-representation
  16. Didnt they have the sum total of three months of rain in one weekend, or something ridiculous. You cant argue it wasnt a deluge. This entire thread is a massive overreaction to an extreme event.
  17. MacGowan dead, Jimmy Corkhill dead, a bad day for substance misusers everywhere.
  18. Are you seriously comparing 22 men and 3 officials on a football pitch 25-30 times a year, spread out over a year, to having 30k people on a football field for 12 hours a day for three consecutive days?
  19. I mean they arent going to show people smoking, OFCOM wont allow it. They have hours of footage to edit into an hour or whatever. Eh? He never mentioned Deal or No Deal. They arent going to smoke in a TV studio ffs.
  20. Just do what most "journalists" do these days and go and trawl Twitter for a few opinions on TV shows and then write an article saying everyone is "seething" or that they have "issued a warning".
  21. Yes but his post was clearly a mickey take of another forum user. I dont think the festival has outgrown the venue. Most of this thread is just one massive overreaction due to biblically bad weather, in one year.
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