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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. "It's difficult to see this an anything other than voter suppression." All these people being stopped for applying for either a) a free photo ID and/or b) a postal vote, are they?
  2. Are you planning on changing your appearance as well when you move house? To give a serious answer - how on earth does anyone know yet? Wait for the details to come out first. To be fair if you are part way through moving house the vote will likely be registered against the old address anyway, voting cards are sent out a few weeks before the vote normally.
  3. Where has it said ID cards are going to be compulsory? I think you need to go and read it again.
  4. The "good and great" and "rich and famous" will go private and do it instead, just like any of us can choose to do if we wanted to pay.
  5. Who knows, but its hardly a state secret as to when most elections are being held, people will just have to be proactive and sort it in good time, anyone who applies for one the day before an election is going to be disappointed.
  6. Yet again, nobody is being excluded. Dont want a photo ID? Apply for a postal vote. It isnt rocket science.
  7. How do we know its overkill? As already said we only know the numbers who get caught and prosecuted? Could be rife for all we know.
  8. A nice passive aggressive dig at the Lottery in the sig too, love it.
  9. You dont know that isnt happening here, right? Its a case of carrying ID for the journey to the polling station and back, once a year, maybe twice at a push, for about half an hour each time. If you still dont like the idea of this, apply for postal voting.
  10. Surely the percentage of people who dont have photo ID at the moment is tiny? Passports, driving licenses, provisional driving licenses, expired versions of those three, disabled and elderly bus passes surely will be accepted (they have photos on them yes?), the citizen ID cards that bars and pubs accept will also be accepted here, will work passes with photos on them be accepted? That doesn't leave many people excluded and lets be honest, most people who dont want some form of photo ID are usually the group of people who are trying to stay under the radar and/or have something to hide and dont vote anyway. In addition, whats stopping these people who dont have photo ID applying for postal voting and voting that way? Nobody is being disenfranchised for crying out loud. Northern Ireland has been asking for ID for years.
  11. Not many doctor surgeries actually operate on a Saturday do they, so I can see why many dont open at all, footfall will be low.
  12. They have probably come to the business decision that opening on a Saturday morning isnt making them any money. Seems fair enough, plenty of pharmacies do open Saturdays and indeed Sundays if anyone is in need to visit one on those days.
  13. I dont think "desperate" is the right word really, for a lot of people its just something to do I suppose. Especially on a rainy bank holiday or weekend day. Now...queuing at 4am outside Next on Boxing Day morning, now anyone doing that should be deported to a rocky outcrop and left to fend for themselves.
  14. People who need to go and use the shops contained therein? Not my bag but it is the "bag" of plenty of people, don't see why people should be snobby over it. Lest we forget for months last year we all had to queue outside supermarkets.
  15. If they want to stop people eating and drinking inside they should force all retailers who sell food and drink to close, you can't have the penny and the bun.
  16. Not exactly a huge box set but the 3 parter Gods Of Snooker on the BBC iPlayer is worth a watch, a Louis Theroux doc without him actually in it.
  17. Going off what I have read on Facebook, it sounds an awful place at the moment anyway. Power hungry monitors wandering around telling people off for the smallest of infractions. Sounds very familiar, actually. Ah, memories.
  18. The car park on the location of the old fire station is probably your best bet Name Wellington Street Location Junction of Rockingham Street and Wellington Street Postcode S1 3FG Type Surface Payment Pay and display Operator Sheffield City Council Total Bays 139 Disabled Bays 10 Stay Short Tariff Up to 30 mins: 80p Hourly rate Monday to Saturday (0800-2030): £1.30 Up to 6 Hours: £5
  19. Is this not the place that has moved to 126-128 West Bar? https://www.facebook.com/SuperbFlooring/
  20. Plenty of people only look at the name of the party, as we all know.
  21. This thread is the equivalent of two bald men fighting over a comb.
  22. If it was on a self service till they probably verified you from the master screen (usually situated on the ciggy counter if its an ASDA, or behind the main counter at the Co-Op) before you got to the payment bit, they dont have to wander up to your till to verify you.
  23. As a fan of neither Sheffield side its amusing to see the equivalent of a cat fight as you lot argue about who got relegated in the best way. Suck it up, Sheffield football has had its worst year in decades, maybe ever (?), neither side has covered itself in glory.
  24. You cant work full time but do you think it is fair that someone who is registered disabled who earns, say, £60k per year, gets free bus travel?
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