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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. No you don't. You get £15 worth of fuel. Really, come on. This is a standard authorisation check that self service petrol pumps have done since they came into being.
  2. Enterprise on Queens Road near B&Q is open all day Saturday and Sunday, at least until 4pm on the Saturday anyway which more then covers the time you need it.
  3. You all know this is a 9 year old thread needlessly bumped, right?
  4. Yes I came back when all the tyrants got booted out the other week.
  5. So I ask again...you want to keep all shops restaurants etc...closed until the end of October 2021, meaning in some areas of the UK some sectors of the economy would have been closed for almost a full year? Restaurants had to shut in Sheffield on the 5th Nov 2020. The economy opened up in summer last year with no approved vaccine so your argument has no logic.
  6. So you wanted all shops etc... closed until October? It's a good job you aren't in charge of the economy.
  7. So I read the sheet wrong, apologies. The rate is dropping so I dont see the issue.
  8. Sky high? Really? It's 52 per 100k, a whole 2 bigger than the next area, and marked as "decreasing". Hyperbole much? https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-cases-by-local-authority-epidemiological-data-8-april-2021
  9. The number of infections will be irrelevant. The whole point of lockdowns was to stop strain on the NHS, if the vaccine works then the NHS wont be put at a strain. If they put lockdowns in place for this reason, see my last post for what will happen.
  10. The general public have been told vaccines are the way out, and they are working, and therefore they wont accept another lockdown and it will lead to civil unrest.
  11. BBC One and Two have suspended all normal programming until 6am TOMORROW. ITV showing news all afternoon. Even QVC, a shopping channel, have whacked up a holding slide saying all programming is suspended. Beyond absurd.
  12. Please do not use caps lock, it is considered to be shouting and is bad forum posting etiquette. Any issues, please contact the Helpdesk.
  13. Couldn't agree more, having lost my account years ago due to mods with egos. I for one won't be shedding any tears about them all being sacked. They can bleat they weren't sacked, but it is quite clear they were and I detect some bitterness from one of them in this thread. Nice to be back.
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