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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Hi Harvey. Any chance you can start using your old account again and stop being silly?
  2. You mean the tram? There are 6 trams an hour if you include the purple route, which operates on a different timetable to the yellow, so it wasnt far wrong. Think that poster is a legacy poster they really should update though, it did used to be 8 trams a hour (6 blue and 2 purple)
  3. Fair enough, cheers. Does scream it was merely procedural then.
  4. I do wonder in an alternate reality if there is a Leeds Forum with similar moans about how urban areas change. "I cant believe the bloomin' council built the International Pool in the 1960s and then knocked it down" Bloody council! Bring back Willis Ludlow!"
  5. Yup all still there, along with the Hole In The Road, the Egg Box, and Redgates. Nothing ever changes, you see.
  6. Off the top of my head, more residential and just different types of entertainment. Are you genuinely trying to compare urban areas (as a whole, this isnt just Sheffield btw that has changed) in the year 2023 to the year 1962?
  7. Online, mainly. Shopping habits change constantly, this cant be a surprise to you. Struggling to think of a 2nd department store in Sheffield, which proves the point further.
  8. Almost 2 days ago now, no news on a release or a charge, they must have applied for more time to question.
  9. Atkinsons for starters. The world has moved on from department stores. Debenhams has gone. House of Fraser has gone. Allders has gone.
  10. And those people arent in the key demographic for electric vehicle manufacturers, so its fine.
  11. People with electric cars usually arent tin foil wearing, New World Order hating numpties.
  12. You mean the masses of people who just minutes before have been inside a licensed premises with toilets? They would still pee in the street if there were public toilets or not.
  13. Exactly, there will be people in Leeds saying Leeds Council is the worst council in the world. People in Nottingham saying Nottingham Council is the worst in the world. And so on and so forth. Everyone likes slagging off their local local authority, and lets be honest the average person has no idea about what others do.
  14. She is just scaremongering as per. Last winter there were cold snaps. Number of rolling blackouts for domestic customers = zero.
  15. Potentially inaccurate. https://www.statista.com/chart/3585/the-worlds-biggest-employers/
  16. Eh? If you are on about members of Parliament then that's rather different to Bob who works down the mill putting his notice in.
  17. What makes you say that? The one down The Moor is a cracking venue, assume this will be similar.
  18. I assume its just procedural but then again they wouldnt have arrested him if they were just wanting to question him.
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