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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Buy a Help For Heroes t-shirt and shout at a black person to get on the first boat home, and they start beaming it directly into your brain.
  2. Erm, a link to the story? What's the problem with sentencing taking that long if he's hasn't been released on bail anyway?
  3. And takes, as you can see, 90 minutes. A significant increase on the usual journey time. No thanks (unless it was the only option)
  4. It was on the radio, I didn't seek it out.
  5. Loves his speed limits, does oul Chekhov. Seems a bit namby pamby to me.
  6. Its a load of garbage. Nobody would give it the time of day if it wasnt the Beatles.
  7. Does it matter, it happened in 1999 and was clearly some form of domestic/lovers tiff, think you are safe.
  8. My neighbour built his conservatory in one WEEK! A disgrace!
  9. What are you trying to prove with this random deflection? That question directed at Irene.
  10. To say you run a sandwich shop you spend an awful lot of time on here at lunchtimes
  11. Because I know he is reading every single one, no matter what he says.
  12. Indeed, but the state of the threads in the section suggest he just cant get over it.
  13. 429 signatures, which hasnt gone up since posted on here. Good luck.
  14. People probably need to open the windows as no doubt the heating is on full whack, as said its not even cold yet and 60 people on a bus huddled together can generate a fair bit of heat on top. Bedroom window here is still open tbf.
  15. Depends doesnt it, if a pension gets up at 8am and get on the bus to go to town just to buy the paper, if he then has to pay he will just get it from the local shop instead.
  16. Be a nice add on to my lovely private pension tbf, a bit of play money each week when I turn 68.
  17. Why do domestic violence abuse victims keep going back to the people who abuse them? Its not as cut and dried as you think.
  18. No no no the women should just tell them nicely to stop, and it wont happen anymore.
  19. And yet, here you are giving us the reason for it.
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