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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Extortion I would say. Cant you consider an internal flight via LBA or MAN?
  2. I still dont think any of them will go round stabbing people indiscriminately though. If you have the thought process of "i better not go to town in case i get stabbed", maybe they shouldnt leave the house full stop. I could get knocked over outside Asda at Handsworth when I go next.
  3. Fair enough, I read it as pm. I would still wager it was targeted in some way though. The number of people who go around stabbing people for no reason is, thankfully, very low. Most crime of this nature is targeted, as a result of disputes or fights. Anyone going about their day to day business need not worry tbh.
  4. These were likely targeted attacks, involving p*ssheads, in the dead of night. Are you planning on getting into scraps with people? There is as much chance as you getting stabbed as there is being knocked over on the road near your house imo.
  5. 5 mins at the end of a game, as a publicity stunt. (i reckon)
  6. Suggesting homeless people move to the countryside to eat blackberries for free is like something the Tories would say, so I assume he has his tongue firmly in cheek
  7. It was more about the fact you spent £80 when you could have had it sorted for nowt.
  8. Just looked at the article. We are talking about 11 extra charging points. That's right. Eleven. Not 111 or 1,111. Eleven. Hardly worth the fuss is it?
  9. Most people with electric cars will be sensible enough NOT to be paying 28p a unit for electric to charge their car tbh, given the number of TOU electric tarriffs available to electric car users.
  10. If they arent taking the place of existing spaces for existing cars I dont see the harm, local authorities spend loads of money on things I or you dont directly benefit from ever or for decades.
  11. Well in that case then, actually take people up on their offer. Swallow your pride.
  12. Either that or FACT! at the end, in capital letters, exclamation mark optional.
  13. But you can tell people until you are blue in the face that the vast majority of people on the street aren't actually homeless, people will still give them cash.
  14. I won't rest easy until I know what Chekhov thinks about all of this.
  15. You mean the Citadel building the Occupy Sheffield mob infested about a decade back? I highly doubt its in any fit state.
  16. There is no wind tomorrow so heavy reliance on gas to generate electric, and the price of that is up 50% in a week. More wind as the week progresses.
  17. A heads up to both @The_DADDYand @Pyrotequila that things are starting to shoot up. Electric is 23.55p tomorrow and gas will be 6.4p or so, markets opening tomorrow will be interesting. Half hourly tariff people will be paying over 60p a unit tomorrow evening 🤯
  18. Some people on here have cried for the return of the rag and tag market, is this any different?
  19. If it was being used to keep idiots out I really wouldn't care less. I have a Tesco Clubcard too, btw. Tesco know I buy toilet roll! Shock horror!
  20. You have been told now of at least 5 premises in the city doing it, not just two. It's nothing new, btw. It's been happening in London for years. https://www.vice.com/da/article/qb5ppp/are-nightclubs-breaking-data-laws-by-storing-your-ids-and-fingerprints
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