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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. It also means they dont have to drag the family through the heartache of a prolonged trial.
  2. They probably need to be 6 coach trains more often tbh.
  3. To be fair, the number of trains isnt actually the problem. What is a problem is: - the time they take - the length of the trains
  4. Cant find that team on Google, also what league are you on about? This league has a Records page https://www.ycspl.co.uk/league-records/
  5. I would guess so. I wager in most cases this doesnt happen and its just a case that these dogs are, well, a bit mental.
  6. I was just thinking out loud I suppose and as an outsider. If they can prove the owner had intent to go out and kill the deceased that day, fair enough. I mean, the person in that link also stabbed the deceased six times....
  7. It's not a murder though surely. Manslaughter at best. There was no intention for anyone to go out and kill someone with their dog.
  8. In which case ring them up on the number listed on their website, and provide one.
  9. No that was my recollection too, for obvious reasons that wont be made public now I suppose but I recall someone who knew her posted that to social media at the time.
  10. And that would be the proportionate sentence here. Talk of prison is ridiculous. The fact he pleaded guilty will be used in mitigation. Disgusted.
  11. Well that second number doesn't inspire much confidence https://who-called.co.uk/Number/03308180004 In any case it all depends what the email is actually asking you to do, if anything.
  12. Some people clearly haven't read my posts properly. I already said they are both idiots. However this didn't need to go as far as it has. A banning order on top of all the other stuff that has happened (both have lost their jobs, yes?) is proportionate.
  13. Of course it's less serious ffs. That's like saying someone committing a murder is the same as someone who passed him the gun. The fact BOTH weren't up in court should tell you something.
  14. She probably just wanted to say something that people wanted to hear, because its better than the truth.
  15. Nice sentiment but you cant have convicted criminals working on wards in hospitals, the red tape would be ridiculous. Pretty sure what will happen here is that there will be some community service and likely a small fine, the world has gone mad if he is chucked into an overcrowded prison system.
  16. "They"? Only one of them held the phone up and only one of them has been hauled before the courts, and rightly so. If the brother was arrested merely for laughing at the other, it would have been beyond ridiculous. Again, I still think they are both numpties.
  17. People commit actual assaults and financial crimes and get nowhere near a prison, it's a total overreaction. And not quite sure how "thousands of Sunderland supporters" would have spotted an image on a phone from that distance tbf. You have prisons overcrowding and they want to consider shoving someone into one who held up his phone with an image on it ffs. Again, I dont doubt he is a numpty, before someone misreads my posts again and thinks I am defending it.
  18. "and that all sentence options were open, including prison time." Come on, this is getting silly now.
  19. If you go to speedway, just watch who is leading at the first bend and they generally win. Dull as ditchwater.
  20. No different to a TV director cutting to pictures of the crowd (they call them "beauty shots" in the trade), photographers could point their camera at the crowd at half time or before the game I suppose. Indeed, generally done from the control room in conjunction with the local police force. Although nobody knows who "leaked" this picture do they?
  21. Unless the only reason he has been remanded in custody is for his own safety, the whole thing is ridiculous.
  22. I would suggest that football games in the top two tiers of English football have a fair number of press photographers there, no?
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