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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. There was an incident at Intake near the primary school on the main road on Friday afternoon 3pm as the traffic was mental, I turned round and went a different way. No idea what had happened though but Google Maps was red everywhere around it.
  2. ..... Assuming the picture is real. Better add that in.
  3. You didn't read my posts on the first page did you? Again, I don't actually know what crime has been committed. Again, they are both morons.
  4. I dunno, Barnsley aren't doing terrible....
  5. I don't think it works like that. The protected characteristic was of the deceased, not his surviving family.
  6. You could be right I suppose. Although not sure if the code covers the deceased.
  7. If you posted the details as I asked days ago we could have resolved it rather quickly. What phone number is on the email?
  8. Hmm. What protected characteristic did the poor little lad have? Again, I stress both people in the picture are clearly numpties, before someone jumps in and thinks I am defending them.
  9. A post on Twitter suggests it may have been on Thursday, not Friday. But not a peep about it on the Forge Valley FB page or anywhere else I have seen. Very odd. Did it actually happen?
  10. I mean yes they are both idiots but what crime have they committed? Confused as to why the police are involved.
  11. Private company in wanting to make money shocker.
  12. The lad or lass who uploads these to the website must have their head in their hands whilst doing it.
  13. Well yes but you know what I meant though. Wasnt as it someone went out with his stabbing knife and just did a randomer.
  14. How likely do you think that is to happen?
  15. You want a Sheffield festival to be held in Rotherham?
  16. Dan Wootton now has his contract terminated by the Daily Mail. Oh dear, how sad, never mind (again)
  17. No. Kraken is the name of a billing system created by Octopus, who are now sublicensing it to a number of other companies because its apparently the best billing system available.
  18. And at the end of the day this was essentially a domestic violence incident, its not as if he stabbed a random passer by, no member of the wider general public was at risk here.
  19. Can you post the email and the number please, removing any identifying information about yourself? A lot of British Gas customers have been moved over to a new billing system called Kraken, which may account for the name change.
  20. Clearly an unpopular opinion but I really dont mind her. The programme needed another woman in there, and she is clearly enjoying herself and not going through the motions.
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