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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Wouldn't any previous court appearances be a matter of public record?
  2. The whole thing sounds insanity, its comparing two totally different jobs and because one is generally done more by men and one is generally done more by women, despite neither role being closed off to either gender, they are crying sexism. Baffling.
  3. A caretaker quite clearly isn't the same job as a cleaner. The former has more responsibility.
  4. But I have 1,441 (and counting) forum accounts, there would be nobody left posting.
  5. That and t'traditonal trading area in the City, destroyed by t'town planners by a stroke of a pen. Or something.
  6. Fair enough, suppose the Sky cameraman and director knew none of that.
  7. I don't think any of us really know that yet, the details given in the account posted are very basic.
  8. Compo face alert.... https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/uk-world-news/takeaway-charges-boy-11-extra-8776887?fbclid=IwAR2d-YWKZl1rHD2yrTkEYrge9zp64H56msqv3-RjnNR2u6Hb6x7sKAF3Oqo#lmyxea1zy75dnde6gdr
  9. I doubt it. The smart money is on "he is an utter scumbag" Dont get me wrong, this doesnt give the police carte blanche to just shoot him dead though. We await the full story, and the trial, with interest.
  10. "The Audi Mr Kaba was driving was believed to be linked to a firearms incident which took place the previous day and an automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) marker had been placed upon it." A bit unlucky if he had only bought the car that day or the day before, dont you think?
  11. Only one episode released a week, so no not yet.
  12. My thoughts too but I havent seen a "drama " like this as such. Eight parts stringing it out a bit.
  13. The quickest trains between Birmingham New Street and London Euston currently take 79 minutes. All this bother to take 27 minutes off that 🙄
  14. Dont caretakers usually have responsibilities regarding the premises, i.e. opening up, locking up etc? Cleaners just turn up, clean, and then go. Thats one obvious difference I can think of between the two.
  15. Aye I saw that, not too sure how much describing you can do with your nose in a book, maybe he told her to shut up due to the result.
  16. Puts me in mind of the whole George Floyd business. An absolute scumbag now made out to be some kind of martyr.
  17. Well it was more a dig at the Indians who have blasted stuff into space despite having hundreds of millions living in poverty. He was being sensible. Those are two inventions that have come about as a direct result of the space race.
  18. Aye if its the Yanks doing all of this thats fine, they can spend what they want, as they arent a Third World country. Dont see the issue.
  19. Does it? Whats stopping a woman applying for a caretakers job? Conversely, whats stopping a man applying for a cleaning job? Are the two jobs likely the same? Absolutely not. If the whole basis of this claim is what @Pyrotequila snipped out of the article above, the whole thing is ludicrious.
  20. Death being treated as not suspicious https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66912191
  21. You can do chargebacks on debit cards too, again by just contacting your bank. The type of card isnt relevant in this case. Credit cards offer something called Section 75 protection however there is a £100 minimum on these, most taxi fares are nowhere near this amount.
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