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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Who runs the car park? If its one of the private cowboys operators anything they issue is not a fine anyway, its a speculative parking invoice, and easily defendable with a bit of time and patience.
  2. Exactly, so if thats the only basis they have here the whole thing is ludicrous.
  3. Think the claim is that cleaner (jobs usually done by women) and caretaker (jobs usually done by men) are essentially the same job. Quite frankly this is a load of rubbish.
  4. No, Baron wants every dog muzzled. No exceptions. It's a ridiculous stance.
  5. No ta, I would rather not live in a world where we are muzzling placid elderly King Charles spaniels.
  6. The Twitter account couldn't be arsed giving the score out by the time the 8th goal went in...
  7. Even the ref rubbing it in by playing 6 minutes injury time 😂😂
  8. A proper toweling today. Can't even say they were unlucky and the scoreline flatters Newcastle. That 5th goal a total embarrassment.
  9. Aye, the thirteen grand a year they earn can buy them anything they desire.
  10. And any member of the public getting involved will have abuse hurled at them.
  11. You will never get me to agree on this draconian measure so let's agree to disagree.
  12. What does that have to do with the spaniel wearing a muzzle or not? Like I said, sledgehammer and nuts. If you are happy to muzzle your dog you crack on, don't force the same on many of the others when not needed. It's down to the owners to show responsibility if their dog is a bit aggressive. And therein lies the problem, many owners are numpties.
  13. You needlessly muzzle a dog? I bump into loads of dogs in the park. There is an elderly couple who are in their 80s who have a sweet little King Charles Spaniel who herself is elderly and doesn't move very fast, she potters over to me for a fuss and then sits on my feet whilst I stroke her and natter to her owners. Should I tell this elderly couple they need to muzzle their dog? It's a ridiculous argument to suggest all dogs should be muzzled. Sledgehammers and nuts come to mind.
  14. Where did I say they were covering one electoral ward? Believe it or not, coppers move about a bit. I once saw 70 of them all going to Tesco to buy doughnuts! Bloody disgusting! Our taxpayers money! Send the buggers back!
  15. A planned gathering on a night of celebration to have an hour away from the p*ssheads? Let's say there were 200 coppers on shift, not unreasonable to have 30 have their break at the same time now is it?
  16. Yes it's disgusting that people on 12 hour shifts are allowed a meal break!!!! *lose
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