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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. The wording of the thread title makes it sounds like the branch is closing. Clickbait.
  2. Do you think they have done no market research etc to work this out before commiting millions into building it?
  3. Well they aren't setting fire to the building in order to keep the occupants warm....
  4. Of course it is, they are setting fire to buildings knowing there are people inside.
  5. I wonder if this is what the fella who organised it wanted? Seems they have set the hotel on fire.
  6. You think council tax pays for all council functions? Hahahahahahahaha
  7. So you are bored of the athletics, despite the fact the athletics doesn't start until Thursday? Impressive.
  8. I know your tongue is firmly in your cheek but I've thought for years that benefits should be paid in cards/tokens than can only be used for groceries and utilities. Asylum seekers used to (may still do, actually) get a card called an Azure card. Can be used in major supermarkets but can't be used to buy alcohol and fags.
  9. Pretty sure that this wouldnt be allowed under employment law, and if it is the unions would have a field day, you cant punish people until found guilty, do you know how the judiciary works?
  10. No, I assume hes received pictures of an underage child, assume the legislation hasnt been updated to account for modern technology and hence the wording "making" remains.
  11. Please stop using his real name, it upsets folk.
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