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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. They havent even put a location, the silly sausages.
  2. Thats shoddy beyond belief, it that was the problem they should have put a message on the phone before people joined the queue. But you do need to get it sorted before court as I suspect the reason you have had this is they have got impatient with your late payments.
  3. Thats likely a no then. Time to bulldoze the building and pretend it never existed.
  4. BBC News - Doncaster Sheffield Airport could reopen as council agrees rescue plan https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-66864889 I mean, have they actually talked to any major airlines about if they would use it?
  5. Or, never accurate in the first place 🤣
  6. Ah right, so no specific reason as such then, fair enough.
  7. Was there any specific reason tennis balls were chosen?
  8. Yes jumped in as I thought it was a statement, as now mentioned multiple times. I am more than happy to move on, others keep dragging it back.
  9. I suspect the law would also take the same view, especially presented with the injuries and any video evidence.
  10. I agree. Glad I am not the only one who clearly saw the confusion.
  11. All well and good pulling that out after the event, more fool you for not doing it before. But of course, you are taking no personal responsibility.
  12. I hadnt a clue what that emoji meant, assumed it was a thinking one. The only emojis that come up on here when I search for "question" are ones that are red or white question marks.
  13. I mean, I had moved on and brought that issue up in the relevant thread now, but by all means continue to drag us away from the topic.
  14. We are going round in circles here. I assumed you were making a STATEMENT, not a QUESTION. Now, lets move on.
  15. Transport inflation is actually standing at -0.5%, so I suspect fuel would have to rise by a fair bit for it to have a impact.
  16. Because it wasnt clear if you were asking a question or not, as discussed above.
  17. Merely challenging your statement. And if it was a question you should have used a question mark, not everyone is familiar with emoji meanings. No, I dont think they will start charging. Better?
  18. Aye the smallpox, measles, three day week and all the strikes were fantastic.
  19. It was a friendly question, why the hostility? What makes you think they will start charging, have you heard something?
  20. What on earth makes you think that? I dont think any out of town large shopping centre charges for parking, unless you can prove me wrong?
  21. Gods sake, lets not pretend the 80s and the 70s were halcyon times either ffs. When the Yorkshire Ripper was in his pomp the TV stations even broke from a STRIKE to broadcast public safety messages and police appeals. Some rose tinted specs around these parts.
  22. Still struggling to see the relevance. The personal wealth of someone is irrelevant here. UNless you are suggesting rich people should be forced to give their fortunes away to stuggling governments, that would be absurd unless its done via taxation, and there are always loopholes.
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