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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Why on earth is that relevant to anything? Some people being richer than others shocker, it was ever thus. If you post crap, be prepared to be pulled up on it. Chekhov is another person I do this to as he is constantly doing it. I know what you are doing here, you are suggesting I am belittling a poor defenseless woman. Chekhov is male.
  2. Are we going to address this false claim based on the above posts?
  3. Yes, its too high. At least its on the way down though. Indeed. Maybe I should bump the thread for her benefit and then this one can get back on track.
  4. Not really, she ran from that thread when proven wrong, her usual MO.
  5. Erm no, its gone DOWN to 13.6% (from 14.9%). Is this another "Doncaster Airport has the longest runway in Europe" b*ll**** statement you are keen on making?
  6. I mean, it's clearly a reference to an ongoing forum meme, but OK.
  7. Not the best of days for Celtic fans then. All this, and now two red cards 😂😂😂
  8. I have a vague memory of some walloper filming a video where he went onto a hospital ward to serve papers to an NHS Trust (via a nurse 😂) to accuse them of making the pandemic up 😂😂😂
  9. No idea, I just know that phrase winds Celtic fans up something rotten. Didn't think we had any on here 😂
  10. Do you think that the fact that not a single person on here is sticking up or agreeing with you on this issue speaks volumes? And yet again, you have misquoted me. Please desist.
  11. I am in Monte Carlo now. I skipped across the border and then jumped into an Aston Martin.
  12. Top tip: not everyone who has a different opinion to you is "trolling". Happy to help.
  13. It's the tastiest irony ever posted on here. I may have to help myself to some more.
  14. Has Russell Brand ever pontificated for months about the nanny state and the fact there is too much hand holding in society, and then subjected himself to a rather needless financial transaction online and blamed everyone except himself?
  15. Absolutely not. Gets scammed and comes and tells everyone on here about it like it's a badge of honour 😂😂
  16. Just out of interest, if you had forgotten the password would you have thrown a massive strop and started a thread on here, blaming everyone except yourself?
  17. You mean websites that openly claim not to be the official ones? Those ones, yes? Stop digging. No surprise you have moved to this thread after @ECCOnoob has torn you a new one in the other one.
  18. Taking absolutly no personal responsibility are you? 🤣 not at all surprising. I threw in a typo there, so you can get to use [sic] again.
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