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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. On 2 June 1989, aged 52, Wyman married 18-year-old Mandy Smith, whom he had "fallen in love with" when she was 13 and, according to Smith, had a sexual relationship with when she was 14. The couple separated two years later and finalised their divorce two years after that
  2. Was minus pricing for Agile customers for an hour overnight, given all the wind about still wouldnt be surprised if its another cheap day tomorrow. My electric is 14.34p a unit today, the government cap most are paying is currently around double that. EDIT - yup down to 13.79p a unit tomorrow, and Agile customers likely to have even more negative pricing.
  3. You would also be better putting it on a direct debit, this can be done over 10 months or 12. It will stop it being late constantly.
  4. There is an easy way to solve all of this, which some people wont like. Make the game two 35 minute halves. Stop the clock EVERY TIME the ball goes out of play or dead, there is a foul, a player is rolling around on the floor, until the goalie releases the ball etc. Clock controlled by a "fifth official" and displayed for all to see in the ground, when 35 mins is up the half/game is over (or wait until the ball goes dead one final time like in rugby union) Stopping the clock is good enough for both rugby codes, why not football? Seen far too much crying about this, I will guarantee at some point this season Sheff United will be the beneficiaries of the ref adding on 10+ minutes, and not a word will be uttered on here about how bad it is.
  5. I would suspect go, Google has the closing time as 2230 every day. Well I guess if a pub has no paying customers in, its costing them money staying open.
  6. I suspect the issue is that you have been late, multiple times, and they have had enough. Paying monthly is seen as a "concession", in an ideal world local authorities will want the whole thing up front. Of course we are only guessing here until you ring up and actually speak to a human.
  7. Assuming this story is true (which it probably isn't), do you not see how wandering around the top floors of a hospital at 10pm on a Sunday could be seen as a little odd?
  8. You probably just need to ring first thing, get in the queue, put phone on speaker and just crack on with other things. During Covid it took me 4 hours to get through to TUI doing this.
  9. Monday maybe not the best day. Try again midweek. If you still can't get through then and you are 500% sure you weren't in arrears on the date the summons were issued, take screenshot of the call lengths as proof you have tried to resolve it and see them in court. Continue making the normal monthly payments in the interim. It could be your continual late payment (not by much, admittidly) means they want you to pay the whole thing. You really need to get on an even keel with it.
  10. Uh oh. This is "Atkinsons cafe sells alcohol" all over again, isnt it?
  11. Come to think of it, why do I have a house? I could just take a blow up mattress to the office and live there instead.
  12. Is it taking into account all payments up to and including the 8th August? Or does the balance not reflect that 8th August payment? Hopefully this phone call sorts it out anyway.
  13. And does the summons for the amount on the letter dated 30th August 100% correspond to the amount you paid on the 8th August?
  14. The power coming in from France is likely cheaper than UK producing using gas - France has a glut of nuclear and presumably wants to offload it to neighbouring countries. And yes its nice to see it windy again. Tracker prices spike downwards to 14.34p tomorrow, for half hour Agile customers is likely to be around the 1p mark per unit overnight!
  15. Seems odd to go straight to court summons for one payment being ten days late. Did you bring the account up to date before the date on the summons, or afterwards?
  16. Yes, retailers were literally falling over themselves to rent it out, werent they?
  17. If you attempt the former you need to have all of your ducks in a row regarding your payments and that you are 500% sure you are up to date and have made all payments outstanding. And I know it's ages to get through on the phone but you are likely to get short shrift also about why you didn't resolve it before court. Can you call into First Point?
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