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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Aye those bloody students ruining everything! Grrrr! **shakes fist, clutches pearls** You choose to live in a big city, a city that have events and, erm, students. I have chosen not to venture into the city properly last weekend and next for the reasons you state, amazing what a bit of advance planning can do....
  2. Wouldnt really be convenient now would it, students are generally taken to uni by their parents, in their car, now tell the parents they have to take a day off work to do it. This is all akin to moving next to a football ground and moaning about the traffic every second Saturday.
  3. No no no no they get loads! GB News sed so!
  4. Been in Italy for the last 3 months, apparently.
  5. Slagging your bezzie mate off has totally rattled you, hasn't it? 😂😂😂 I haven't looked. I can tell you though with 100% certainty a bunch of African migrants didn't land on the shores of the inland Lake Garda in a boat 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  6. Plenty won't speak a word of the language other than "cerveza por favor" The father of a friend now lives in a village near Almeria full of other ex pats. They haven't made any effort at all to learn the language.
  7. No idea, I was just poo-pooing the very idea of a boat of migrants landing at an inland lake miles from the sea 😂😂😂
  8. Done enough jogging here in Buenos Aires today.
  9. That would be a neat trick. I remember when the QE2 visited Lake Windermere.
  10. It's called pandering to hype. Look at how many hours have been spent on the issue of fox hunting in the past, a very niche past time that has obtained an relatively incredible amount of parliamentary attention.
  11. As covered above. Manchester (both), Heathrow (both), Gatwick, Prestwick, Birmingham and Stansted all have longer runways, some substantially so. And that's before you include the likes of RAF Brize Norton and the non-international airport at Campbelltown, both with longer runways than DSA. Now maybe Anna meant the WIDEST runway, which it may well be, not bothering to check as its a meaningless metric really. A380s can land on runways much narrower than the one at DSA.
  12. All of those kids fiddled by Savile should have been told to man up too. And then told to stick their head out of a moving train window.
  13. All cocker spaniels should be muzzled according to someone who has posted on this thread 😂😂😂
  14. I assume at that point it would just join up with normal lines and do the last 6 miles on those. Would be bonkers if it just stopped and people had to make their own way from there.
  15. Are you just making stuff up now? It's not even the 5th longest in the UK. Ignoring all of the RAF and private airfields it would be the 9th longest, about 25% shorter than both of Heathrows runways. It's the exact same length as EMA. Now add in all the ones from other countries...
  16. Terminal 1 is a dump though, but it's meant to be closing at some point thankfully. A woefully inadequate terminal.
  17. Think I read somewhere that in a normal game of football the ball is only in play for roughly 60 or so minutes, so you would have to cut it down to 30 or 35 mins each half if you were stopping the clock otherwise you are increasing the length of the overall game far too much.
  18. If anything the clock should be stopped everytime the ball goes dead, maybe cut the time down to 35 mins in play each half. Easy to do in the top leagues with stadiums screens and an official in the stands. But that's far too sensible.
  19. Newcastle/Brentford currently playing 9 mins injury time, are the league desperate for Brentford to win then? Behave yourself.
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