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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. This would clearly be a ridiculous over reaction.
  2. Well yes but I, and probably millions of others, had likely heard absolutely nothing about this breed before that video the other week of the one attacking the man in the petrol station. They must have been vicious before this month, surely?
  3. Why has this suddenly become a issue the last two weeks, anyway? Surely these dogs have attacked people before that video of the one in the petrol station?
  4. To be fair I happily would, but him and his ilk ruined it and therefore I can only spend 90 days there in every 180.
  5. Disgusting. Why not bring back the Egg Box or the Hole In The Road instead?
  6. Couldn't have sailed anymore over your head that it clearly did 😂😂😂😂😂
  7. No he's "been in Italy for three months" 😂😂😂 He will be in his flat at Park Hill, where he was when he made his first ever post on here 2 years ago moaning he was skint.
  8. Almost 11pm here in the Maldives, been a scorcher today mate.
  9. I don't think you can appeal merely because you don't like the verdict, it either has to be on a procedural error, or its an appeal on the length of sentence.
  10. You would hope in the intervening twenty years since he posted this thread, he has found a decent website.
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