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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. One day it might have to be if the coffers are emptying.
  2. I've said my piece. Personally I would means test the state pension but no party is going to get into power with a policy like that. It's absurd that when I retire and if I choose to claim the state pension I will be earning more than I do now, and I won't have NI or a mortgage to pay.
  3. Seems she is appealing! Anna B will be pleased as punch that the convicted child murderer is doing so. No idea on what grounds the appeal is being made, though.
  4. It's already law that employers have to offer and I think automatically enroll all employees in a workplace pension, it isn't that much of a stretch to say you can't bail from it. If anyone who is aged 18 now going into work is happy to rely on just a state pension 50 or more years down the line then they are, in my opinion (those three words just for Mr Grinder), absolutely moronic.
  5. Too late for some people but it should be made law that you cannot opt out ofwork pension schemes. It's law they have to be offered but people opt out. You can't miss from your wages money you never had.
  6. So you are dismissing three totally different surveys out of hand because you don't like what it tells us. Right, ok.
  7. Erm you do know there were surveys done, don't you? https://www.statista.com/statistics/520954/brexit-votes-by-age/ https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2016/06/27/how-britain-voted https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/how-britain-voted-2016-eu-referendum The elderly voted for Brexit by a ratio of at least 3:2. Apology accepted.
  8. The same elderly who chucked us out of the EU? Aye, wisdom beyond compare 😂😂😂😂
  9. You absolute monster! Apparently this will now confuse the hell out of you when you only decide to check your finances once a month.
  10. Don't get ITV here. Currently watching the local news. There was a nasty stabbing in Malè yesterday, it seems. And seaplane charges are going up 20%.
  11. Here on this island in the Maldives I am on, the speed limit doesn't even go above 40km/h anywhere .
  12. They have no resources to enforce it. Apologies for the source of the link - https://www.gbnews.com/lifestyle/uk-drivers-speeding-20mph-zone-unenforceable
  13. Here in the Maldives, where I have pretended to be for the past three months, there is a speed camera on every street every 100 yards.
  14. My car doesnt allow cruise control until the speed gets to 25mph. There is a speed limiter option though, maybe that does allow 20mph, I rarely use it.
  15. For those of us who arent running a business and have apps that can be accessed multiple times a day, that is nowhere near as much as an issue as you constantly make it out to be. But just to set your teeth on edge.... They have branches of Sainsburys here in the Maldives, the Malé branch is lovely.
  16. There are no resources to enforce it, if people dont see a static camera or a marked van many people will continue to go the old speed.
  17. Anyone over the age of 70 just choked on their cornflakes. Those bloody students! Should have gone down t'mines after school, or something.
  18. "could be". Unless they attract Ryanair, Easyjet, Jet2 and/or have more than one TUI plane based there, its a non starter anyway. And you have to question how many of those airlines want to shove a load of planes there given their bases at nearby airports.
  19. Been living in Italy for the last three months, apparently.
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